BAP_USER user = session["User"]asBAP_USER;if(user ==null)returnmapping.FindForward("error"); 1. 2. 3. 有些不明白,上网查了些资料,对is和as操作符有了些了解,把资料放在这里供学习和参考: 在C#中,所有的东西都是对象。因此任何常数也是一个整型对象。这里用到了as ,as 是C#语言里面的一个关键字...
{ // std::remquo: Returns the same as remainder, but it additionally stores the quotient // internally used to determine its result in the object pointed by quot double numer = 10.3; double denom = 4.5; int quot; double result = std::remquo(numer, denom, "); printf("numerator...
x = arcsin( sin(x) )= arcsin( sqrt {0.5 * [1- sqrt( 1 - sin(2x)^2] } )2x =2 ...
strcmp函数是string compare(字符串比较)的缩写,用于比较两个字符串并根据比较结果返回整数。基本形式为strcmp(str1,str2),若str1=str2,则返回零;若str1str2,则返回正数。语法 说明 规则 当s1 当s1=s2时,返回值= 0;当s1>s2时,返回正数。即:两个字符串自左向右逐个字符相比(按ASCII值大小相比较)...
fit函数使用案例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 #include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>voidfit(char*,unsigned int);intmain(void){//字符串的优化式写法char mesg[]="Things should be as simple as possible,"" but not simpler";//修改前puts(mesg);//修改后fit(mesg,38);puts(mesg);puts(mesg+39);}vo...
SetFieldDirty Marks the specified field in the current record as changed.SetFieldNull Sets the value of the specified field in the current record to Null (having no value).SetLockingMode Sets the locking mode to “optimistic” locking (the default) or “pessimistic” locking. Determines how ...
3.1. SYSDATE函数——返回系统当前日期 --返回系统当前日期时间 select sysdate as 系统日期 from dual; 3.2. ADD_MONTHS(d,i)函数 ADD_MONTHS(d,i)函数用于返回日期d加上i个月之后的结果。其中,i为任意整数。 --显示当前日期加上6个月的日期时间 ...
assert()函数用法总结 assert宏的原型定义在中,其作用是如果它的条件返回错误,则终止程序执行,原型定义:#include void assert( int expression ); as...
必须以DBA身份登录):create or replace directory D_OUTPUT as 'D:\TEMP';grant read,write on directory D_OUTPUT to testdb;GRANT EXECUTE ON utl_file TO testdb;之后就可以用UTL_FILE包建立文件了 :V_FILE UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;V_FILE := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('D_OUTPUT', 'Data.txt', 'w');