int_fast8_t uint_fast8_t int_fast16_t uint_fast16_t int_fast32_t uint_fast32_t int_fast64_t uint_fast64_t 分别为宽度至少有 8 、 16 、 32 和 64 位的最快的有/无符号整数类型 intmax_t uintmax_t 最大宽度的有/无符号整数类型 intptr_t uintptr_t 足以保有指针的有/无符号整数类...
printf("val:%d,", *ptr); } //0x45342312 0x53241256 //0x53241256 基于指针的强制转换,在协议解析,数据存储管理中高效快捷的解决了数据解析的问题,但是在处理过程中涉及的数据对齐,大小端,是常见且十分易错的问题,如上面arr字符数组,通过__align(4)强制定义为4字节对齐是必要的,这里可以保证后续转换成int指...
val=~fsval 按位与:& 二元运算符&通过逐位比较两个运算对象,生成一个新值。对于每个 位,只有两个运算对象中相应的位都为1时,结果才为1(从真/假方面看, 只有当两个位都为真时,结果才为真)。因此,对下面的表达式求值:(10010011) & (00111101) // 表达式由于两个运算对象中编号为4和0的位都为1,得:...
typedef__int8_t__int_least8_t; typedef__uint8_t__uint_least8_t; typedef__int16_t__int_least16_t; typedef__uint16_t__uint_least16_t; typedef__int32_t__int_least32_t; typedef__uint32_t__uint_least32_t; typedef__int64_t__int_least64_t; typedef__uint64_t__uint_least64...
sync同步组中指定的线程。T可以是任何现有的组类型,因为它们都支持同步。 如果组是grid_group或multi_grid_group,则内核必须已使用适当的协作启动 API 启动。 C.6.2. Data Transfer C.6.2.1. memcpy_async memcpy_async是一个组范围的集体memcpy,它利用硬件加速支持从全局到共享内存的非阻塞内存事务。给定组中命名...
}; // as above int main() { // since C++11, use std::underlying_type to determine the underlying type of an enum typedef std::underlying_type< settings::flags> ::type flags_t; auto val = settings::bit1; switch (static_cast< flags_t> (val)) { case settings::bit0: break; ...
#include<stdio.h>typedef struct{int b;int a;}STRUCT_VAL;static__align(4)char arr[8]={0x12,0x23,0x34,0x45,0x56,0x12,0x24,0x53};intmain(void){STRUCT_VAL*pval;int*ptr;pval=(STRUCT_VAL*)arr;ptr=(int*)&arr[4];printf("val:%d, %d",pval->a,pval->b);printf("val:%d,",*pt...
HOW TO CONVERT TO TIME_T how to convert variant bstrVal to std::string How to cope with “Error 1920. Service … (…) failed to start. Veryfy that you have sufficent privileges to start system services”? how to copy the output text from the console window in the visual c++ console...
c was cut al c with t c do reading and writ c http proxy server ceagronomist cechairman autonomous ceclerk of the court cecomputer system man cefirst secretary cesenior employee cesurgeon-in-charge cetrainee manager cs constant-q stagnat cy hawk cih cmeregimmethericethan c critical c hambu...
co tant-rate injectio co traint hypersurfac co truction plant co tructional concret co tructional hardwar cocarbon monoxide car co grain coal integration coal secretion co-applicants co-channel interferen co-dyeing co-ed co-generation power s co-op residence co-op vs ai co-operater co-ordi...