在C语言中,reserve函数通常用于容器类(如vector、string等)的预分配内存空间,其功能包括: 预分配内存空间:reserve函数可以在容器中预分配一定大小的内存空间,以减少动态增加内存空间的开销。 提高性能:由于预分配了足够的内存空间,可以减少频繁的内存分配和释放操作,从而提高程序的性能。 避免动态扩容:通过reserve函数预分...
CRecordVector<constwchar_t*> fileNamePointers; fileNamePointers.Reserve(fileNames.Size());for(i =0; i < fileNames.Size(); i++) fileNamePointers.Add(fileNames[i]); outArchive->SetFolder(NULL); outArchive->SetFiles(L"", &fileNamePointers.Front(), fileNamePointers.Size()); BYTE ac...
m_dTokens.Reserve(1024); m_sBuffer = q.m_sSource;constboolbUtf8 = pTokenizer->IsUtf8(); m_bUtf8 = bUtf8;// tokenize query wordsintiWordsLength =strlen( q.m_sWords.cstr() ); CSphVector<char> dKwBuffer ( iWordsLength ); CSphVector<Keyword_t> dKeywords; dKeywords.Reserve( MA...
c.reserve() //保留适当的容量。 c.size() //返回容器中实际数据的个数。 c1.swap(c2) //将c1和c2元素互换。 swap(c1,c2) //同上操作。 vector<Elem> c //创建一个空的vector。 vector<Elem> c1(c2) //复制一个vector。 vector <Elem> c(n) //创建一个vector,含有n个数据,数据均已缺省构造...
vector<int> v1; v1.reserve(100000); //注释这一行代码,看一下结果差异 for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { v1.push_back(i); if (p != &v1[0]) { p = &v1[0]; num++; } } cout << num << endl; } int main() ...
Reserve multi dimensional vector Reset include/lib path Resolve conversion warning when porting from VS2008 to VS2010 resource file .icon is not in 3.00 format Resource files encoded as UTF-8 do not compile Resources file not getting correctly embedded or linked into assembly at compile time......
commodityreservecurre commoditysurvey common - go common ailment common allotment common amplifier circ common ancestry of th common area communal common ascendancys common avens common banana rhizome common blackbird turd common code rejection common control mode common criteria for i common dab common de...
command the children command vector command vehicle command-processing me commandarea commander james bond commander keen 5 the commander of the vene commander naval train commando vessel commandremotecontrol commands and database commands you commdesc comme lamour commeasure commeliaceae commelzna communis...
reserve(Int32) 保留存储以确保容器的最小增长容量。 resize(Int32) 将容器中的元素数更改为指定大小。 resize(Int32, TValue) 将容器中的元素数更改为指定大小。 如果新大小大于旧大小,则该方法将追加值为 _Val 的元素。 size() 计算容器中的元素数。 swap(IVector<TValue>) 交换两个容器的内容。 valid...