准备好安装文件: 1. VirtualBox:此处使用的是目前的新版本VirtualBox 5.2.12 platform packages for Windows hosts,根据自己的操作系统选择软件包,下载链接:https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads。 2. Ubuntu:此处使用的是目前的新版本Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop (64-bit),下载链接:https://www.ubuntu.com...
针对您提到的“Oracle VM VirtualBox 7.0.20 needs the Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable”问题,我将按照您给出的提示进行回答: 1. 确认Oracle VM VirtualBox 7.0.20是否需要Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable 是的,Oracle VM VirtualBox 7.0.20(以及大多数较新版本的VirtualBox)在安装过程中可能会...
Expand C drive in Server 2019 running in VMware/Hyper-V/Virtualbox If you want to extend C drive in Server 2019 running as VMware/Hyper-V/Virtualbox guest machine, there's no difference when there's available free space on the same virtual disk. You just need to install NIUBI Partition ...
VirtualBox 6.0.14 GreenShot MSI Afterburner 4.6.0 Media Player Codec Pack 4.4.8 MWSnap 3.74 CMS 2.5 PageBreeze Free HTML Editor 5.0a Need for Speed Underground 2 (not specified) Speccy 1.32.740 RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 1.2 Screen Recorder 1 ...
原文链接:[译] 100 行 C 代码创建一个 KVM 虚拟机(2019) 译者序 本文核心内容来自 2019 年的一篇英文博客:KVM HOST IN A FEW LINES OF CODE, 首先基于 KVM API 用100 来行 C 代码实现一个极简虚拟机管理程序(类比VirtualBox); 然后用10 来行汇编代码编写一个极简内核,然后将其制作成虚拟机镜像(类比Ubun...
If you're using docker-machine instead of native docker, make sure you aren't using an incompatible version of Virtualbox. Docker for Windows Pull the latest image as above. docker pull ponylang/ponyc:latest Share a local drive (volume), such as c:, with Docker for Windows, so that th...
上传者:xaiodang时间:2019-11-01 VirtualBox + redhat7.6 +oracle19C安装 VirtualBox + redhat7.5 +oracle19C安装 上传者:qq_30654043时间:2024-01-02 redhat 7.6 安装oracle 19c版本数据库 redhat 7.6 安装oracle 19c版本数据库 上传者:qq_30654043时间:2022-12-20 ...
Fixed save ANSI file on VirtualBox shared folder Remove additional spaces with active WordWrap JScript - escaped comment problem FTP client - fixed problem with slow SSL/TLS communication JScript comment Drag/Drop from internal file explorer into HEX editor and TextDiff Statusbar supports unicode char...
url "https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/#{version.before_comma}/VirtualBox-#{version.before_comma}-#{version.after_comma}-OSX.dmg" appcast 'https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/LATEST.TXT' Expand All @@ -9,24 +9,53 @@ conflicts_with cask: 'virtualbox-beta' pkg 'Virtual...