所有在英属维尔京群岛注册或成立的实体公司都必须遵守经济实质法案(Economic Substance Act)。
近日,英属维尔京群岛(BVI)发布了一项重要的法案——《经济实质法案》(Economic Substance Act),旨在为企业提供更加透明的经营环境。该法案将于2019年12月31日生效,对于在BVI注册的公司将产生重大影响。 BVI是全球最大的离岸金融中心之一,其注册公司数量超过40万家,其中包括不少跨国公司。然而,由于其税收优惠政策和保...
10. Do the fiscal year and financial period have to be the same? No, there is no requirement for these to correlate. 11. Can I consolidate the filing deadline for my annual return and economic substance declaration? Yes, this is possible. The Company can file a notice with the BVI tax...
根据BVI ECONOMIC SUBSTANCE (COM-PANIES AND LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS) ACT(简称“BVI《经济实质法案》”)和BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP SECURE SEARCH SYSTEM ACT (简称“《BOSS法案》”),所有BVI“法律实体”必须就其在“财务期”的每项“相关活动”透过英属维尔京群岛的最终受益所有权安全搜寻系统(简称“BOSS系统”)申报备案...
根据BVI ECONOMIC SUBSTANCE (COM-PANIES AND LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS) ACT(简称“BVI《经济实质法案》”)和BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP SECURE SEARCH SYSTEM ACT (简称“《BOSS法案》”),所有BVI“法律实体”必须就其在“财务期”的每项“相关活动”透过英属维尔京群岛的最终受益所有权安全搜寻系统(简称“BOSS系统”)申报备案...
The British Virgin Islands (the “BVI”) has introduced “economic substance” requirements for entities carrying on certain specified activities under the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act, 2018 (the “ES Act”). The ES Act, which was brought into force in the BVI as...
“Approved Person” status from the FSC in 2011. She has served two terms on the Executive Council of the ARA. Elizabeth is also a partner at Carey Olsen and sits on various steering committees in respect of the BVI Economic Substance and VASP regimes. She regularly advises trust companies ...
The BVI Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnership) Act, 2018 has been gazetted on 19 December 2018 and effective from 1 January 2019. You are required to do the following under the new Act: 1. Identify whether your BVI company business activities are in the scope of relevant activ...
【2019/10/14,台北訊】英屬維京群島(British Virgin Islands, BVI)於十月九日正式發布「經濟實質法施行細則」,相較於四月發布之草案,就部分概念性文字加以澄清,預期未來細則仍會持續更新...