BVG Fahrinfo is the official Berlin city transport map and ticket purchasing app, use it as your personal journey planner and buy tickets for all transport in a…
They will still write you a ticket even as they see difficulty. What’s more, I couldn’t go to the DB customer service on the same day that I got the ticket. The train controller’s notes must batch every night to DB because they didn’t have them. You can’t even go to get ...
which is deeply offensive, as that is the job of my credit card company, not some third party service. My login and credit cards work fine in DB Navigator and BVG Fahrinfo, but not here in Jelbi. Make it possible to purchase a ticket, with credit cards or apple pay, and I will co...
BVG Fahrinfo is the official Berlin city transport map and ticket purchasing app, use it as your personal journey planner and buy tickets for all transport in and around the city. The BVG Fahrinfo app has maps of all transport throughout the city including the bus, train, subway and tram...
BVG Fahrinfo is the official Berlin city transport map and ticket purchasing app, use it as your personal journey planner and buy tickets for all transport in and around the city. The BVG Fahrinfo app has maps of all transport throughout the city including the bus, train, subway and tram...
What’s more, I couldn’t go to the DB customer service on the same day that I got the ticket. The train controller’s notes must batch every night to DB because they didn’t have them. You can’t even go to get the ticket rectified until 2pm the next day. ...