The article focuses on the findings of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) regarding the impact of the increasing inmate crowding on staff, infrastructure, and inmates. The Department of Justice's Bureau of Prisons (BOP) projects continued population growth with 45 percent increase ...
the state of movement. Zooming out of my own personal confinement, I think of the large-scale things that have changed: the way nation-states function, the way care systems for whole societies work, the way citizens conceive of their liberties and responsibilities. Such changes have made it n...
Telehealth in the Federal Bureau of Prisons: Inmates´ perceptions. Prof Psychol Res Pract. 2000;31:497-502.Peyrot M F.Telehealth in the federal bureau of prisons:Inmates’perceptions. Professional Psychology:Research and Practice . 2000Magaletta, P. R., Fagan, T. J., & Peyrot, M. F. ...
Road to Redemption: Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmates Use CDL Program to Drive Their SuccessAccording to a maxim often used by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP), "Reentry begins on the...Garrett, Judith Simon
Self-Reported Gambling Behavior of Female Inmates in the Bureau of PrisonsCamp, ScottDaggett, Dawn
Preparing Federal prison inmates for employment after release: An innovation in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Journal of Correctional Education, 53(4), 146-149. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.Pavis, R. (2002) Preparing Federal Prison Inmates for Employment after Release: an ...
English's significant accomplishments as warden at the FCI, which illustrate her skills in leadership and staffing. It also commends English's ability to create innovative programs and services at the FCI that resulted to the improvement of the learning environment and morale of the inmates.Scafuri...