We demonstrate the fabrication of blue, green, and amber InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on semipolar {11-22} bulk GaN substrates. The {11-22}GaN substrates used in this study are produced by cutting out from a c-oriented GaN bulk crystal grown by hydride vapor epitaxy. The LEDs...
Favorable factors for overall survival indicated in green, and risk factors indicated in purple. The thickness of the line represents the strength of correlation estimated by Pearson correlation analysis. Positive correlation is indicated in pink and negative correlation in blue. B Plot shows the ...
[FAP]; the film thickness decreases from 2.7 to 2nm under dry conditions (red) over 2min., while when exposed to 37%RH (blue), the squeezing process is ∼25 times faster. (B) It is proposed that the water molecules are at the water/IL interface and that they enhance slip during ...
Quality check of single-cell Illumina short-read sequencing. (a) Boxplot showing average sequence quality per base for LT-HSC (red), ST-HSC (green) and MPP (blue) single-cell samples. (b) Gene body coverage of all detected genes. (c) Frequency of counts mapped in various gene regions....
The blue wires connect the two dark blue pins and the red wires connect the three dark red pins. Pins of the same color belong to the same net. The gray wires are part of the connections of multiple other nets with pins outside of the visible region. Right: the relevant part of the...
The branching point of the ground truth tree is inferred correctly, due to the strong signal that the red/orange and blue/green mutations do not occur in the same cell. However, mutation order in linear segments is not reliably inferred from the SCS data; especially in the right branch, a...
EdU-positive cells (red fluorescence) and Hoechst-positive cells (blue fluorescence) were captured with a microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Wounding healing and Transwell assay Transfected A549 and Calu3 cells were inoculated into 6-well culture plates. A sterile 200-L pipette tip was used to...
The output power and external quantum efficiency (EQE) were 8.9 mW and 16.8%, respectively, at a DC driving current of 20 mA.关键词: m-plane nonpolar blue LED GaN bulk substrate MQW barrier thickness DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.46.L960 被引量: 121 ...
We characterize the ultrafast THz conductivity by measuring the THz fields in the time domain, shown in the inset of Fig.2a, b. In the inset, we showE(t) after transmission through (i) a reference substrate,Eref(t) (gray) and (ii) the unexcited sample,ESample(t) (blue). We also...
The genes were split into non-DEGs (left) and DEGs (right). d Density plots for raw-counts (red) and optimized log-normal (green), normal (blue), and negative binomial distribution (purple) for four example genes (gene name at the top) with low maximum log-likelihood for normal ...