我想在vscode中根据不同的构建类型运行cmake并构建到不同的输出目录。我知道在setting.json中添加cmake.buildDirectory: "build/${buildType}"可以解决这个问题,但是当有人改变一些配置时,setting.json很容易改变,所以我想把这些设置移到cmake-kits.json或cmake-variants.json中,这是可能 浏览5提问于20...
🥽 下载配置 c/c++ 也是很多用户需要的,但是 vscode 编译器使用 html,css,java script 等脚本语言是不需要配置下载的,直接就可以使用。 我们按下面步骤配置即可: 在拓展区搜索 c 或 c++,点击打开并开始下载(我已下过)下载完后重启 vscode 在桌面建立一个文件夹用来放我们写好的代码文件,然后点击此处打开文件...
.vscode/tasks.json { // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558 // for the documentation about the tasks.json format "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "label": "my_cmd", "type": "shell", "windows": { "command": "cmd.exe /C 'D:/dev/tool/vs2019/IDE/Common7/...
vscode c/c++多文件项目模板。 ps:含cmake编译方法,vscode下搭建c/c++多文件项目框架,linux下编译多文件方法分享。不懂请加qq 2928676332,谢谢你的支持。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:15积分电信网络下载 通过binder实现进程间通讯 ,可以使用service的binder或者 AIDL生成的Stub返回binder 实现demo ...
之前已经编译好了一个文件夹A下的工程 然后复制出一个文件夹B,再次编译时出现了问题,报错The current CMakeCache.txt directory...is different from... 其实也能猜到就是当路径从A变到B,不匹配导致报错,但是不知道应该在哪里改 CSDN上有个文章
Not all oneAPI sample projects use CMake. The README.md file for each sample specifies how to build the sample. We recommend that you check out the CMake extension for VSCode that is maintained by Microsoft. See Explore SYCL* Through Samples to learn more. Parent...
forked frommicrosoft/vscode NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 Files a54c753 monaco npm win32 .cachesalt .gitattributes .gitignore .moduleignore .moduleignore.darwin .moduleignore.linux .moduleignore.win32 ...
vscode 在project/build/目录下运行命令cmake ..出错 错误信息如下所示: 而在CMakeOutputlog中只有下面一行话: CMakeOutputlog.log The system is: Windows - 10.0.17763 - AMD64 解决方法: https://www.it610.com/article/1506624199597293568.htm
CMake Tools Diagnostics {"os":"win32","vscodeVersion":"1.87.0","cmtVersion":"1.17.17","configurations": [ {"folder":"d:\\Desktop\\cpptest","cmakeVersion":"3.28.3","configured": true,"generator":"Visual Studio 17 2022","usesPresets": false,"compilers": {} ...
Pure Virtual C++ is our free, annual, one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. This year it is running June 6th and you can find thesession list and sign-up for free on the event page. In the run up to the conference we will be publishing new C++ videos every...