BTEC Level 3 艺术与设计扩展证书课程 BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design 招生对象 高一/高二起点学生,可按照实际情况进行脱产或非脱产学习。 所获证书 英国国际艺术高中文凭,等同于英国高中三个A-Level成绩,与A-Level两年制的学习具备同等学力,可用于本科入学申请。 课程设置 学制两年,学生需要完成6个单元...
BTEC Level 3 艺术与设计扩展证书课程 BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design 招生对象 高一/高二起点学生,可按照实际情况进行脱产或非脱产学习。 所获证书 英国国际艺术高中文凭,等同于英国高中三个A-Level成绩,与A-Level两年制的学习具备同等学力,可用于本科入学申请。 课程设置 学制两年,学生需要完成6个单元...
International A level + International Advanced Subsidiary Diploma (720 GLH)2 International A levels Extended Diploma (1080 GLH) 3 International A levels Explore our new Level 3 qualifications Sport By Pearson BTEC and Liverpool FC. This suite of learning programmes includes 5 qualification pathways and...
A-Level: 适合计划申请英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等英联邦国家大学的学生,以及希望在大学继续深造学术研究的学生。 BTEC: 适合计划直接进入职场或申请英国高等教育文凭 (Higher National Diploma, HND) 的学生,以及希望在特定行业发展职业技能的学生。 AP: 适合计划申请美国大学的学生,以及希望在高中阶段挑战高难度课程的学生...
例如,伦艺本科课程对BTEC成绩的要求如下:Extended Diploma in Art and Design,Merit/Distinction成绩(具体见图2)。再如,英国伯明翰大学在申请要求中明确说明接受具备BTEC National或更高等级的学生,如HND(Higher National Diploma)资格考试中获得了Merit and Distinction的学生,在BSc Business Management的要求上也有明确...
93951British Higher Education Diploma program of Shanghai Jiaotong University上海交通大学英国高等教育文凭...
BTEC Nationalsare available from Level 3 (similar standard to A levels). Many of these are well regarded by universities, further education colleges, and employers. A BTEC National qualification can lead to employment, continuing study, or professional development programmes. ...
同时,斯芬克(北京、上海)为培生爱德思(Pearson Edexcel)官方授权A-level Art and Design考点。 上海艺术类出国留学中介:选择斯芬克!顺利完成该预科课程的学生将获培生爱德思(Pearson Edexcel)官方颁发的 BTEC Level 4 Art and design foundation diploma (BTEC 等级 4 艺术及设计专业预科证书 ) ,英国职称及教育考试总...
BTECFoundationDiploma EdexcelBTECLevel3FoundationDiplomain ArtandDesign(QCF) ForfrstteachingSeptember2010 February2010 Specifcation Edexcel,aPearsoncompany,istheUK’slargestawardingbody,offeringacademicandvocationalqualifications andtestingtomorethan25,000schools,colleges,employersandotherplacesoflearningintheUKandin...
Edexcel BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art & Design (QCF) This form is only for illustrative purposes and is not mandatory. Centres are not required to complete this form. Tutor Assessment Record: Units 1 to 9 Student Name: Please sign and date as each stage is completed Units 1 & 2: Stage...