Sometimes moms nurse and pump while on maternity leave and put themselves into an oversupply. They stockpile great volumes of milk and then when they head back to the office they rely on that stash. Even if they are pumping at work they may not be pumping as much as the baby is consumin...
If you and/or the baby are not calm from the start, a session of breastfeeding might end up being quite unpleasant. Always try and go into a breastfeeding session with feelings ofloveand tranquility. It is also important to remember that breastfeeding is not an exact science. You may hav...
Prevalence of maternal smoking was 17.9% and 22.8% of the infants were regularly bedsharing with the parents. Those mothers who did not comply with official recommendations regarding infant sleeping position were also less likely to follow other recommendations concerning infant care practices. Prone ...
In the video Tasha posted, she says: “I’ve had a lot of people ask me if it’s okay to breastfeed and have sex. From what I remember, I remember sleeping with my ex-husband and my son was on me breastfeeding and we would have sex from behind or something. There’s nothing ba...
Both the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) say that bed sharing is not recommended. The CPS lists several risk factors for babies sleeping in adult beds, including a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), falls, suffocation and overheating. ...
Five Big Fat Lies About Breastfeeding- What Is The Truth? 24 March, 2023818 About Pinky About Pinky Guest Speaking Press & Media Testimonials Newsletter Contact Pinky's Books Parenting By Heart Toddler Tactics Sleeping Like a Baby 100 Ways to Calm the Crying ...
I’m 19 weeks pregnant with baby number 3. My first two (10 and 11 now) were bottle fed due to premature labours and not being able to feed. I really a...
When I gave birth to my first-born, I was so exhausted I fell asleep soon after. I woke up a couple of hours later to a sore body, and a baby sleeping. The first two days were frustrating for me asI wasn’t sure the colostrum was enough for my baby. I worried and cried because...
"I get more milk out of a hand pump. I bought this $27 medela hand pump to extract when I wake up at night and don't want to hook up to a machine, and was shocked at how well it works. My baby nurse confirmed she thinks its better at extracting milk generally its not *as* ...
Once your baby is full, she will look like she's full!She will appear relaxed, content, and possibly sleeping. She will typically have open palms and floppy arms with a loose/soft body, she may have the hiccups or may be alert and content. ...