都市设计定义了精确定义。 [translate] aPlease also note that due to an error in the exchange rate, the bank has paid this company 600 EUR more than the payment due and has asked us to request the company to make the reimbursement to the bank of the over-paid amount. Could you please ...
而是直接采用Go标准库中封装好的方法net.ListenPacket("ip4:udp", addr)在IP层进行包的发送和接收。 我通过封装自定义的UDP层的数据结构,实现自定义的包的发送和接收,进行网络的监控。 也许有人说使用标准库的UDPConn不就行了。如果是普通的UDP程序,的确没问题,如果对于一些特殊的需求,比如监听1000个UDP端口,有...