Making her feature directorial debut with the film four years after making a short about the same subject, Kimberly Peirce was the keynote speaker for the AFI Directing Workshop for Women Class of 2014. Visit the AFI Catalog to learn more about BOYS DON’T CRY. HOW TO WATCH Where to str...
Free Essay: In this film, Boys Don't Cry. The main character Brandon Teena, 21 years old portrayed the disorder Gender Dysphoria as she played the role as...
Boys Don't Cry (which was release on October 8, 1999) has an heartbreaking true life story about Brandon Teena, who is a transgender-man (female-to-male non-operative transgender man). The picture explores the themes of freedom, courage, identity and empowerment. The film was directed and...
Don Bury
KP: I just wasn't ready, the film community wasn't ready, the culture wasn't ready, and I didn't have my skills as a filmmaker up to speed yet. I think Brandon's life and death reflected things that were deeply reflective of the culture as a whole--the proliferation of...
The director was like, ‘It looks too real. It looks too painful. Can you be prettier when you cry? Cry pretty, Jessica…’ And then it all got me thinking: Am I not good enough? Are my instincts and my emotions not good enough?… And so I just said, ‘F— it. I don’t car...
LIKE ERIN Brockovich, Boys Don't Cry is based on the true story of a remarkable woman, only here the mood is tragic and the outcome is murder. Hilary Swank plays Teena Brandon, a young woman who, in a bizarre Shakespearean act of daring, crops her hair, stuffs a sock down her jeans...
Roger Clarke
In 1993 a small-time criminal called Brandon Teena was found shot dead in a derelict farmhouse outside Falls City, Nebraska. Killers John Lotter and Thomas Nissen were ex-cons and old friends of Teena's girlfriend, factory worker Lana Tisdel. Just another white trash horror in the American ...
Adair, Gilbert