Why does it take so long to get help? Where's the live chat? Where's the contact number to ring them? Why is it just email!? How can there be a bug purchasing coins it's ridiculous! How can they see my coins on there end but I can't see them on mine! And why won't they...
I just received my apex coins that I had placed roughly 30 hr ago. To receive these coins i had to use my own time and run up the issue. I asked about receiving complementary coins for my troubles but the people solving the issue were unable to allow it. I'm sorry...
I just received my apex coins that I had placed roughly 30 hr ago. To receive these coins i had to use my own time and run up the issue. I asked about receiving complementary coins for my troubles but the people solving the issue were unable to allow it. I'm sorry...
I bought 10 usd worth of apex coins however they never appeared so i did it again my game crashed now i have 2000 and was charged for both i still have 1000 left if its possible for them to be refunded. Reply 0 + XP Me too #2 Last EA Post May 2021 Options EA_Atic EA DI...
Solved: I just bought Apex coins from GameStop. I redeemed them on my origin account but it isn't showing up on my game. What should I do?