Neural stem cells from the subventricular zone (SVZ) neurogenic niche provide neurons that integrate in the olfactory bulb circuitry. However, in response to cortical injuries, the neurogenic activity of the SVZ is significantly altered, leading to increased number of neuroblasts with a modified migra...
in a season (1,039). Vick's NFL career came to a halt in 2007 after he pleaded guilty for his involvement in a dog fighting ring and spent 21 months in federal prison. His arrest and subsequent conviction garnered Vick notoriety with the general public, which lasted throughout the rest...
Conclusions and Relevance This study suggests that parental socioeconomic status is associated with newborn TL, especially in boys. The results indicate that familial social economic factors are associated with the potential cellular longevity of the next generation, with a potential higher transgenerationa...
children born at term and preterm, negative correlations between parent-reported Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) internalizing problem scores and FA of tracts coursing to the frontal lobes, including forceps minor, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, and right SLF were found only in the preterm ...