boost::ptree;boost::json_parser { "Version": 1, "Metrics": [{ "wingarea": 1341.01, "unit": "FT2" }, { "wingspan": 1350.81, "unit": "Inch" }], "Propulsion": { "Location": { "XEDIC": 22.618, "unit": "FT" } } } #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <...
The parser and serializer are both highly performant, meeting or exceeding the benchmark performance of the best comparable libraries. Allocators are very well supported. Code which uses these types will be easy to understand, flexible, and performant. Boost.JSON offers these features: Fast ...
除了函数 boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json() 和 boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json() 之外,Boost.PropertyTree 还提供了其他数据格式的函数。您使用来自 boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp 的 boost::property_tree::ini_parser::write_ini() 和 boost::property_tree::ini_pars...
boost生成json中的put操作 ptree中的put操作后可以加<>,指定类型,不加<>采用默认的类型,感觉不加反而更好用.用法见下面例子. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost::...
通过以上步骤,你应该能够在Visual Studio中成功安装并使用Boost库的property_tree/json_parser.hpp头文件。
example Update build deps. Aug 9, 2024 include/boost Avoid inclusion of deprecated header Sep 29, 2024 meta [skip ci] Add "cxxstd" json field. The "cxxstd" json field is being a… Jan 22, 2021 repository Remove relative references to boost-root in Jamfiles. ...
1.默认情况下,属性树按异常报告错误,因此要准备好在错误时捕获异常,除非您使用 *_optional()函数。
}catch(json_parser_error) { wprintf(L"Could not write Json to the file\n"); } file.close(); wprintf(L"Loading from the file\n"); wprintf((wformat(L"File Path: %s\n") % file_path.generic_wstring()).str().c_str());std::wifstreamread_file(file_path.generic_string().c_str(...
json_parser::read_json("file.json", pt2); std::cout << std::boolalpha << (pt == pt2) << '\n'; } Boost.PropertyTree does more than just provide structures to manage data in memory. As can be seen inExample 25.5, the library also provides functions to save aboost::property_tre...
JSON字符串 CentOS7下编译yaml-cpp库 Windows10下使用VS2017...编译和使用yaml-cpp库 Windows下使用VS2019和CMake 3.18.3编译使用yaml-cpp库 9、一些C++的构建工具:CMake、Makefile工具链的使用 A、CMake的使用...、一些常用的C++ Json解析库 nlohmann/json JSON for Modern C++ rapidjson A fast JSON parser...