htop explained - explanation of everything you can see in htop/top on Linux. Linux Guide and Hints - tutorials on system administration in Fedora and CentOS. strace-little-book - a little book which introduces strace. linux-tracing-workshop - examples and hands-on labs for Linux tracing tool...
:small_orange_diamond: The Illustrated TLS Connection - every byte of a TLS connection explained and reproduced. :small_orange_diamond: SSL Research - SSL and TLS Deployment Best Practices by SSL Labs. :small_orange_diamond: SELinux Game - learn SELinux by doing. Solve Puzzles, show skillz....
The poem also launched a host oflivres d’artistein numerous languages as well as homage in the form of film, painting, photography, sculpture, installation, theater, costume, music, dance, programming, and book art. Even exhibitions of book art. The exhibition best known from the 20th centur...
Triple Book Review of Consciousness Explained (Daniel C. Dennett), The Evolution of Consciousness: Of Darwin, Freud, and Cranial Fire: The Origins of the Way We Think (Robert Ornstein), and Metaphysics of Consciousness (William Seager) [ARTINT 1052]...
根据第一段InthebookConsciousnessExplained,thecognitivescientistDanielDennettdescribesakindoffish,whichwandersthroughthesealookingforasuitablerocktomakeitshomeforlife.Onfindingone,thefishnolongerneedsitsbrainandeatsit.Humanityisunlikelytoadoptsuchaneatinghabitbutthereisa worryingtrendthatpeoplearedumpingthemselvesdownby...
Super System 2 Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, et al. Strategy 89 Read book review One of a Kind: The Rise and Fall of Stuey "The Kid" Ungar Nolan Dalla and Peter Alson Biography 95 Read book review Ace on the River: An Advanced Poker Guide Barry Greenstein Strategy, Theory, Pro Guide...
Interpretation of the holy texts. This Cause does not seem to conform to the beliefs held throughout the years. One cannot ignore the literal meaning of the holy texts and scripture. How can this be explained? Certain events, according to the traditions that have come down from the Imáms,...
Daniel explained he was approached by Ludvig Andersson, son of ABBA’s Benny Andersson, about making an ABBA pinball machine. During the launch event, the above video was shown for the first time in public. Later on, Ludvig was called on Skype, which was projected on a large screen. He...
:small_orange_diamond: The Illustrated TLS Connection - every byte of a TLS connection explained and reproduced. :small_orange_diamond: SSL Research - SSL and TLS Deployment Best Practices by SSL Labs. :small_orange_diamond: Certificates and PKI - everything you should know about certificates an...
Dispatches from Palestine: The Rise and Fall of the Oslo Peace Process, By Graham Usher, London: Pluto Press, 1999 Ernest Lapointe and Quebec's Influence on Canadian Foreign Policy, By John MacFarlane, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999 Secrecy. The American Experience, By Daniel Patrick...