Reviews the book "Dear Dumb Diary, #1: Let's Pretend This Never Happened," by Jim Benton.EBSCO_bspPublishers Weekly
Dear dumb diary #1: let's pretend this never happened "dear Dumb Diary: Let's Pretend This Never Happened". J Benton - 《Scholastic》 被引量: 1发表: 2004年 Dear Dumb Diary: Let's Pretend This Never Happened The (nearly) true confessions of Jamie Kelly.Dear whoever is Reading My Dumb...
The Fortress) mines extreme suspense through Mike's attempts to open the box, which tests every aspect of his skills. Trussoni continues to explore her complicated character with depth and verve: Mike's genius at puzzle solving led to his solitary existence, and he's reluctant to let many in...
23.WhathappenedtoSpaceXsStarshipduringitstestsin2023? A.Itsuccessfullycompletedtwotestflights. B.Itexperiencedexplosionsduringbothtests. C.Thefirsttestwassuccessfulbutthesecondfailed. , D.TheApriltestcausedminordamagetothelaunchstructure. B Asawriterspecializinginpsychology,1vecomeacrosshundredsofevidence-base...
Youshouldneverletyouremotions()controlyou.Youshouldlearntokeepcalm.Neverloseyourcoolwhen 情绪 dealinginbusiness,oritwillruinthewholething. + Theschooloflifecanbehard,butifyou’resmartandplayyourcardsright,youcancomeoutwithanA.Justtreat everysituationasalearningexperience.Ihopeyou’vestudied. 1Fromthepassage...
22.Whatisthemainreasonforpeople’sprocrastination? A.Theyfeartoloseandletothersdown. B.Theywanttoavoiddoinghardwork. C.Theyneedtofinishthetoptasksfirst D.Theyplantodotheenjoyabletaskslast. 23.WhichofthefollowingisNOTprocrastinators’performance(表现)inStone’sstudyin2022? A.Theymademoremistakes. B.They...
differenthallwaysandroomsweretoomuchtothinkabout,letalonecommittomemory.Shedecidedthatshewould memorizewhereherclasseswereandthenpretendthattherestoftheplacedidn’texist. InherfirstPEclass,EvawasshockedwhenCoachPittannouncedthateveryonehadtorunonemilearoundthe trackoutside.Shesearchedthefacesofherclassmatesforsigns...
Dear Dumb Diary, Book 1, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Jamie Kelly, Autographed By Author Jim Benton
I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my own daughter. Often my 14 wouldn′t be limited just to the books I read but ...
题目4Read the journal entry and answer the questions.I was tidying my room yesterday and found an old photo in a notebook.As I was looking at it, the lovely memory of that day came back to me.It was my mother's birthday ten years ago, and I decided to surprise...