In 1999 Witherspoon earned rave reviews for her portrayal of Tracy Flick, an overly ambitious high-school student running for class president, inAlexander Payne’sblack comedyElection. The following year she was cast against type as the girlfriend of a serial killer (played byChristian Bale) in...
Natalya Bobrova, from Russia, and Louise Koski, from the United States, are young wives of their country’s military attachés. When they meet at an embassy party, their husbands, world-class skiers Arnie and Mikhail, drunkenly challenge each other to a friendly --- but secret --- cross-...
FREE COMIC BOOK DAY DRAWS NEAR.May 6 isFree Comic Book Day, a single day when participating comic book specialty shops across North America and around the world give away comic books to anyone who comes in. Check out theFree Comic Book Day Catalogand see what’s available. Different shops ...
more specific. You may write under the fantasy banner, but your specific sub-genre might begrimdark epic fantasy. In the big world of romance, your niche might becontemporary romanceorhistorical romance.And under an overall genre umbrella like thrillers, you may specifically writeserial killer thri...
Back in Buckaroo, Sheriff Crane is still working the lead that Warren gave her about the town doctor – Doctor Glory who is almost certainly involved in the mystery of the butchers. She is assisted by Buckaroo’s mortician, Reverend Fairgold, and a very unlikely source – a freshly released...
but after one red-hot night they'll fight to stay together for as long as they can. But shadows are gathering around them - Devon's would-be kidnapper is still on the loose, a serial killer carrying rage from a twisted past threatens the lair - and most of all, Tanner and Devon ar...
She’s a bit flighty and does not seem to have the people of Oz in mind at all. I guess there’s a reason that the entire Oz series isn’t more popular and based on this book, I have a pretty good idea as to why. In a literary world devoid of truly fanciful stories, one can...
There’s a lot of world-building going on, setting the tone for where we are and what our central character is facing. But because of this I think the book moved very, very slowly. It picks up a little bit as we get further into the book, but it definitely requires some effort to...
Sunday, a lunch date with another hot girl (this one, short), then dinner with my kids and parents at the end of the world. I want to do none of these things. Cancel it all, stay in bed, binge watch Deep Space Nine. It’s not depression. It’s February. Also, it’s overload...
Maybetheresnopatternatall. 我就是这样说的Charlie MEGAN:ThatswhatIjustsaid,Charlie. 根本没有规律 Theresnopattern. 一个单独的袭击者 Asingleassailant, 或者一堆模仿者都会有规律 orabunchofcopycatsbothimplyapattern. 我的意思是 No.WhatImsuggestinghereis, 这些袭击的发生 thesegroupingsofshootingsmight,youkno...