Related to High yield bonds:Junk bonds,High Yield Bond Funds ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.high-yield bond- a (speculative) bond with a credit rating of BB or lower; issued for leveraged buyouts and other takeovers by companies with questionable credit ...
High-Yield Bonds High on SelfDan Bickley
高收益债券高收益债券(High-yield Bonds) 高收益债券 高收益债券的概述 高收益债券是信用等级低于 BBB 级的企业债券。高收 …|基于32个网页 2. 高孳息债券 ...派息金额比政府债券的要高上一倍,而即使有很多人认为高孳息债券(high-yield bonds)风险偏高,他认为也不能完全否定 … ...
High-yield bonds are a subset of corporate bonds that typically offer higher yields as a credit risk premiumto compensate for the greater risk associated with the lower credit rating on the bonds. The bonds are rated by the rating agencies based on the issuer’s creditworthiness, or its abilit...
Chinese governmentbondsrallied sharply and outperformed investment grade notes as wellashigh yieldpapers, with all three segments posted price gains. 中國國債大幅上揚,表現優於投資級別票據及高息債券,且這三個主要板 塊的價格一致上升。
With high yield bonds, proportionately more of the payments are received by way of coupons, and their maturities are typically shorter. Therefore, when interest rates rise or are expected to, they tend to be less affected than investment grade bonds. However, when interest rates fall or are ex...
High yield bonds offer higher yields compared to government bonds and can be an integral part of investor portfolios.
Why High-Yield Bonds Are Only for the BraveWhy High-Yield Bonds Are Only for the BraveRead the full-text online article and more details about "Why High-Yield Bonds Are Only for the Brave" by Griffin, Rob - The Independent (London, England), March 28, 2009By GriffinRob...
the lower abond's degree of convexity. There's less risk to the investor when the bond has a high coupon or yield since market rates would have to increase significantly to surpass the bond's yield. A portfolio of bonds with high yields would have low convexity and subsequently less risk...
When a normal distribution is assumed, we see a higher expected return associated with a lower SD on the high-yield bond returns relative to investment-grade bond returns. However, we also find that the returns on both high-yield bonds and investment-grade bonds exhibit stable (fat-tailed) ...