Define boda-boda. boda-boda synonyms, boda-boda pronunciation, boda-boda translation, English dictionary definition of boda-boda. n 1. a bicycle taxi 2. the bicycle rider in charge of a boda-boda Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12t
Using data from Western Kenya, we confirm the existence of the differently motivated diversification strategies. Yet, the poverty and inequality implications differ somewhat from our expectations. Our findings indicate that in addition to asset constraints, rural households also face limited or relatively...
In 2017, the Motorcycle Assemblers of Kenya, Kenya Association of Manufacturers and the Ministry of Industrialisation initiated a project to manufacture five parts out of the usually imported 290 parts. According to the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (Kip...
Although motorcycle safety has been a concern; only a fewsociological studies have been conducted in Kenya to address the challenge. Motorcycleaccidents pose a threat to the structure and functioning of the society. The study wasconducted in Kisumu East sub-county in Kisumu county and sought to...
Motorbike taxis, locally known as "Boda-Bodas", are everywhere in Kenya, as in many African countries, because they are cheaper and often faster than cars. The problem is that they are often noisy and pollute the air. The rise in fuel prices and a push for e-mobility by the government...
doi:10.1016/j.avb.2019.02.009Kennedy MkutuTessa Rhodes MkutuElsevier ScienceAggression and Violent Behavior
ver 90% of Spiro's EV sales in Kenya are two-wheelers, signalling that Boda Boda riders are now at the forefront of EV transition in Kenya.
Kenya’s informal economy literally rides on boda boba; motorbike taxis. These two-wheelers ferry people and goods up and down busy streets as they meander through traffic. They are also quite efficient in remote and rural areas where conventional cars would find the terrain ...
Commercial motorcyclist in Kenya, are predominantly made up of youths with high risk behaviour both in getting involved in accident as well in the contraction and transmission of HIV/AIDS. To some extent they might have become the reservoir for the transmission of HIV. Though little attention is...
摘要: Engagement in non-agricultural activities in rural areas can be classified into survival-led or opportunity-led. Survival-led diversification would decrease ine关键词: Income diversification non-agricultural activities inequality poverty sub-Saharan Africa Kenya ...