Is the BMW Z4 Roadster a hardtop or a soft top vehicle? The 2025 BMW Z4 Roadster features a tailored soft top that can be raised or lowered in approximately 10 seconds at speeds up to 30 mph. The top has been specially reinforced with panels to reduce road noise, improve cabin acoustic...
THE DESIGN HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BMW Z4 ROADSTER. THE EXTERIOR DESIGN OF THE BMW Z4 ROADSTER. Front design. Through its particularly broad and flat shape, the BMW kidney grille emphasises the sporty stance of the vehicle, while the mesh design inspired by motor racing, delivers both form and fu...
2.0-liter BMW TwinPower Turbo inline 4-cylinder gasoline engine (Z4 sDrive30i Roadster) 3.0-liter BMW TwinPower Turbo inline 6-cylinder gasoline engine (Z4 M40i Roadster) Z4 sDrive30i: 25 / 33 mpg (city / highway) Z4 M40i: 23 / 29 mpg (city / highway)...
Year* 2024 Style, Configuration, Engine Options* BMW Z4 Trim* Z4 sDrive30i Roadster Overview Z4 sDrive30i Roadster Package Includes Price starting at $54,595 Vehicle EPA Classification Two Seaters Drivetrain Rear-Wheel Drive Engine Engine Order Code NA Engine Type and Required Fuel Intercoo...
宝马Z4 GIC试驾体验,激情四溢 韩飞飞说汽车 新款宝马Z4 G29升级RES智能排气,声浪浑厚,回火效果显著 浩哥教学车 宝马Z4 E89整备秘籍:玩转驾驶新体验 AUTO君 宝马Z4 G29 M40i排气升级VELENO 毒总说车A 【我帮你看车】同级别独苗 软顶敞篷真性感 体验宝马Z4 零零柒车邦德 让青春飞扬:宝马Z4,你的专属...
5月25日,宝马中国宣布,全新BMWZ4敞篷跑车(Z4 Roadster)开始在中国大陆市场销售.目前,率先在中国推出的BMW Z4 2.5si及BMW Z4 3.0si两个型号,均装备了新型发动机和新款6档运动型自动变速箱,加上外观和内饰的又一次精雕细琢,以及一系列创新装备的完美组合,全新BMW Z4敞篷跑车以自信的姿态捍卫着纯正高档Roadster的...
宝马 Roadster 起价合理,为 54,050 美元 BMW Z4 最大的优点之一是它的价格并不贵。它的价格可能比丰田同类产品贵,但 BMW 的豪华感是无法复制的。考虑到你获得的设备,Z4 的性价比确实相当高。饰件 可选附加功能 选择基本款可以节省资金,同时还可以让您通过添加可选附加功能来提升 Z4 的豪华程度。例如,...
作为一台Roadster,敞篷才是最正确的打开方式。全新Z4车尾带有鸭尾造型设计,能够更好地整理流经车顶的气流。轮毂涂装也不例外,依然采用了曜夜版独有的黑色。轮胎方面,并没有吝啬,采用的是米其林Pilot Super Sport高性能运动轮胎,前轮胎规格为255/35 R19,后轮胎规格为275/35 R19。开篷后能从多处标识看到Z4的...
《名车 美图》鉴赏:BMW AlpinaZ4 Roadster S 敞篷跑车,最大输出300PS,峰值扭矩360N·m,红线7300...
BMW Z4 M Roadster specs Price in Europe €57,900 - €72,490 Car type Convertible Curb weight 1444-1480 kg (3183-3263 lbs) Introduced 2006 Origin country Germany Gas mileage 18.2-8.4 l/100 km (13-28 mpg US / 16-34 mpg UK) CO2 emissions 271 g/km Views 83k Lap times Best ...