M. The most powerful letter in the world. BMW M has been a key player in the exceptional history of motorsport and stands for high-performance and passion every day - on the road or on the track.
M. The most powerful letter in the world. BMW M has been a key player in the exceptional history of motorsport and stands for high-performance and passion every day - on the road or on the track.
M 240i起动,即非凡 先享后选,“日付”低至45元起 沿袭纯粹M运动基因,性能猛兽横空出世,搭载卓越操控组件,强悍动力亦可轻松驾驭。刚劲有力的硬派车身,时刻扬露出非同一般的磅礴气势,毫不妥协的果敢风范,是对M家族超凡魅力的绝佳诠释。 全新BMW M240i 智能科技时时相伴,车内精心设计的每一个细节,都只为让行驶变得...
M. Der stärkste Buchstabe der Welt. BMW M ist Teil einer herausragenden Motorsport-Geschichte und steht für Höchstleistung aus Leidenschaft. Und das jeden Tag – auf der Straße oder auf der Rennstrecke.
High-performance coupes, convertibles, sedans and SUVs - there’s a BMW M model for every driver. Find the M vehicle that fits your style.
50 YEARS OF BMW M Watch Video OUR ORIGINS FIVE DECADES OF POWER It may have started on the racetrack, but BMW enthusiasts took M for their own joyride — bringing high performance engines and aerodynamic design to everyday roads. Racetrack roots. In 1972, BMW M made a name for ...
高性能车采用混动已成为大势所趋,如今就连汽车领域的塔尖选手超级跑车们也纷纷触电。BMW M其实也早早迈入了混动行列。早在2022年,M极具探索精神地带来了BMW XM,而V8发动机加高性能电机这一源自勒芒24小时耐力赛BMW M Hybrid V8赛车的高性能混动技术,如今更首次应用于全新BMW M5。如今,这套混动技术也已在...
在这方面,我们看到性能的提升是一个系统性工程,既要直线快,也要弯道快,更要刹得住,这种既要又要还要的标准也是BMW M的“基本追求”而已。我们看到在性能层面,M的发动机更偏高转速,并有着出色的散热表现。比如素有“劈弯利器”之称的M3、M4采用更轻量化的直列六缸发动机设计,在发动机更大的缸径、更小的...
2024年,BMW M系列迎来了前所未有的产品盛宴。新BMW M2双门轿跑车与新BMW M3携手震撼登陆市场,不仅延续了M系列的极致性能基因,更在动力系统上实现了飞跃性升级,誓要突破BMW M六缸引擎的“机皇”传奇极限,为驾驶者带来前所未有的加速快感与驾驶激情。在宝马的世界里,“创新不止、驾趣依旧”不仅是产品的核心...