英国医学总会(GMC)官员 Alison Whiting 表示:「Good medical practice (《优质医疗》)指南中明确指出,医生应尽可能地不向熟人提供医疗服务。」 Good medical practice 指南截图 BMJ 文中指出,面对熟人,患者可能很难诚实地讲述自己的病史和治疗情况,而医生也可能碍于人际关系,不能客观了解患者的需求,还可能导致遗漏检查...
年度评估档案由专门的电子系统记录保存。每位全科医生每年都要证明自己符合 GMC(Good Medical Practice)良好执业行为的要求。 威尔士大学医院 重症医学研究 领头人 BMJ OnExamination首席临床编辑 Matt Morgan 博士 现代医学应遵从循证医学规范。具有高质量证据基础的、即时...
“Amazing app, thanks!” “Good tool for medical students on the ward, particularly as it’s all available offline.” “The best thing ever created. Fantastic format for learning about all the different conditions, presentations, examinations and management.”...
Methods My choice of topics derives from my familiarity with patterns of medical practice, particularly in the United States;presentations at meetings; review of current textbooks; and monitoring of general medical journals, selected specialty journals on pain and cancer, and nine palliative care ...
It would be good to have a buttom to display all tabs in a single page so we can scroll the text instead of simply swipe. 2. The load could be faster. 3. There is no search for the calculators. Also, a "favorite" buttom would be nice to have so we can access our most-used ...
who met her husband when they were both working at University College London hospital."We agreed that we would analyse problems fully from the start, help people to understand why they fell ill, encourage self reliance, and restrict prescribing to what was indicated for good medical reasons," ...
“Mr Deer’s implications of fraud against me are claims that a trained physician and researcher of good standing had suddenly decided he was going to fake data for his own enrichment,” he said in a now abandoned complaint against me to the UK Press Complaints Commission. “The other author...
live in a poor district, you cannot even get your kids into a ‘good school,’ let alone a university—where is the meritocracy in that? Arguably, none of these glaring social inequalities are explicitly determined by IQ. McManus remains dumb on these pertinently large tears in the otherwise...
good hypothesis is an idea that could be correct, generally seems reasonable, and often suggests a simple experiment that can show it is wrong. Perhaps Baum might like to ponder just how much of medicine is based on other disciplines and has developed from the findings of people who are not...
clinical practice to favour better outcomes is unknown but we look forward to results of future research providing answers to this question. References 1. Wade DT, Halligan PW. Do biomedical models of illness make for good healthcare systems? BMJ 2004;329:1398-401. 2. Kleinman A. Patients...