BlueStacks的安装过程中会提示用户安装App Store Access以及App Notiflication,勾选安装之后用户可以直接下载及安装应用,同时在系统的通知栏会有BlueStacks的通知提醒。 BlueStacks的默认安装路径是C:\Program Files\BlueStacks,路径不可修改,同时模拟器所占系统空间大概1G左右,需要用户提前清理足够的系统盘空间,避免空间不...
说到登录,请注意:当您执行上述两个步骤(创建 BlueStacks 帐户并首次登录您的 Google 帐户)时,您将收到来自 Google 的两个安全警报,表明您刚刚在 Windows 上登录了 Firefox 和三星 Galaxy S5 设备。这是因为 BlueStacks 包装器将自己标识为 Firefox 浏览器,并且它用于其 Android 硬件的仿真签名将自己标识为 S5—...
6x faster than Samsung Galaxy modern smartphones. BlueStacks for Windows allows you to play more and big. Google Play store integration lets you access wonderful apps using your Google account, the same that you use on Android mobile devices. Multiple OS support makes it download and install on...
With this new update, the company says the performance of BlueStacks 4 is 6 times faster than that of the Galaxy S9+ (which is also 8 times faster than what people got out of BlueStacks 3). This improvement to performance may or may not be due to the version of Android BlueStacks 4...
IT之家 6 月 25 日消息 6 月 24 日晚,微软举行了下一代 Windows 的发布会,正式宣布名称为 Windows 11。 IT之家 6 月 25 日消息 6 月 24 日晚,微软举行了下一代 Windows 的发布会,正式宣布名称为 Windows 11。 IT之家获悉,微软正在将安卓应用引入 Windows 11。安卓应用将在 Windows 11 上原生运行,...
BlueStacks的安装过程中会提示用户安装App Store Access以及App Notiflication,勾选安装之后用户可以直接下载及安装应用,同时在系统的通知栏会有BlueStacks的通知提醒。 BlueStacks的默认安装路径是C:\Program Files\BlueStacks,路径不可修改,同时模拟器所占系统空间大概1G左右,需要用户提前清理足够的系统盘空间,避免空间不...
Installing BlueStacks is as simple as running the EXE file. The program requires 2GB of RAM and 9GB of disk space. During the process, BlueStacks tells you it runs best with App Store Access and Application Communications enabled. You can uncheck those options, but it's not clear on that...
Bluestacks Beta Rooted, Allows Installation Of The Play Store root ByCameron Summerson Apr 5, 2012 BlueStacks App Player Beta Goes Live With Revamped UI And A Huge Leap In App Compatibility, We Go Hands-On windows ByBrandon Lancaster
Get a root-checking app from the Google Play Store and install it. To check if the device is already rooted or not, you can use a simple application calledRoot Checker. This app checks whether the device is already rooted. If you don’t want to install an additional rooting tool, there...
Problem #7: Google Play Store login issues Joe Hindy / Android Authority Users run into a few issues when trying to log in to the Play Store on BlueStacks. While some login issues have specific fixes, the best way to fix this problem is to clear the app cache. Open theSystem appsfolder...