Blue Bottle Coffee is a specialty coffee roaster with cafes in LA, SF, NYC, & Japan. Shop our freshly roasted specialty coffee online & in-store.
Find the nearest Blue Bottle Coffee shop. With locations in LA, SF, NYC, and Japan, as well as an online store, you'll be sure to have access to your favorites.
How to Brew Coffee for a Crowd And not miss out on the party Oct 17, 2017 Pro-Tips: A Better Nel Drip Coffee Bryn Garrehy, retail trainer for Blue Bottle, describes the nel drip like “going to the dark side of the moon.” When it comes to the nel drip, it’s as if the rule...
Blue Bottle Coffee 由 James Freeman 於 2002 年在美國加洲奧克蘭創立,其簡單卻具革命性的理念是為顧客提供美味的咖啡。Blue Bottle從最優質及最可持續發展的咖啡農場採購咖啡豆,將之新鮮烘焙並按訂單釀造。今天,Blue Bottle 擁有遍佈美國和亞洲的全球咖啡店網絡,仍秉持一貫對品質的執著和對環境衛生的承諾,成為精品咖...
Curiosity brought Benjamin Brewer, Senior Director of Global Innovation and Quality at Blue Bottle Coffee, and Alexis Rodriguez, Head of Coffee Development at Nespresso, together to discover that, despite their different approaches to coffee, they share a philosophy committed to flavor, purity and ...
做为一个从21世纪初就开始每周上门派送的咖啡品牌,蓝瓶咖啡一直在严格要求他们的口味标准以带给咖啡爱好者们最佳赏味的咖啡。 保持联系 在为繁忙的现代消费者设计预包装时,蓝瓶咖啡面临的挑战是如何从全方位,沉浸式的咖啡厅体验到一个纸盒包装的体验。并且如何以新形象触及更多的消费者,在货架上与其他同类产品产生明显...
Blue Bottle Coffee, a global leader in third-wave coffee, was looking to optimize the sales process for a variety of pastry items like croissants, cookies, and waffles across its chain of cafes. Historically, all cafe leaders at Blue Bottle were tasked with ordering pastries several times each...
#Blue Bottle Coffee 今日消费资讯:蓝瓶咖啡深圳万象天地店将在 7 月初开幕、Fenty Beauty 推出全新日晒金辉限定系列 Burberry 发布全新足球主题肖像照;FENDI x Devialet Mania 专属联名便携式音箱开售;Swatch 推出 3 款 Bioceramic MoonSwatch 系列全新腕表。
从香港首店到内地首店,Blue Bottle Coffee 仍然用了近两年,虽然国外咖啡品牌纷纷涌入,本土饮品新势力也大量冒头,但 Blue Bottle Coffee 的行动仍然相当谨慎(接下来不出意外的话,Blue Bottle Coffee 上海第 2 家门店将会在静安嘉里中心开出)。 这次Blue Bottle Coffee 内地首店官方名称是“上海裕通店”,它位于长安...