人类的自由岌岌可危,Ingress 是一个将你周围的寻常世界变为战场的增强显示游戏。 在世界的任何角落打开 Ingress,认识你周围生活与工作的特勤,并与他们一起保护人类的自由。与你可以信赖的特勤组队并在地面上互相帮助。 下载移动侦测器应用以发现你周围的 portal。建筑、历史地标和文化古迹成为你用于反抗外星入侵的工具...
清源探索一直贯彻“溯本清源、探索创新”的发展理念, 与多所高校建立联系,承接技术转移。 公司集中了一批优秀的科研技术及管理专业人才,在为客户提供良好的售前、售中及售 后服务的同时可根据客户的用水条件,定制最佳水处理方案及配套设备,做到经济、实用、优质、高效。
team.blue Global team.blue Global team.blue Belgium team.blue Denmark team.blue Ireland team.blue Italy team.blue Netherlands team.blue Portugal team.blue Spain team.blue Switzerland team.blue Turkey team.blue UK team.blue Greece team.blue Bulgaria Leadinfo iubenda Raidboxes SuperHosting.BG team...
尽情创作、收获美好、享受游戏。Nothing Found No search results for: Search for: Nolak 是一个旗下拥有数个Minecraft子服的游戏社群,社群玩家主要由中国大陆、香港、台湾及其他欧亚国家与地区的中文玩家群体组成 我们以社区为核心,致力于打造并维护一个和谐、稳定、友好的Minecraft社群,以供各位能够尽情创作、收获...
PaleBlue FlexBody allows you to see your own complete 3D body (also called an avatar) in a VR simulation, along with the bodies of others around you. That makes it possible to recognize self and others, and have an immersive experience. Traditional way Does not display a full body but...
PaleBlue Life Saving Rules PaleBlue CorporateDecember 7, 2023Portfolio,Press Releases Delivery of Gamified Training to Neptune Energy PaleBlue CorporateOctober 4, 2023Portfolio,Press Releases PaleBlue’s latest milestone in its ongoing mission to transform standard e-learning into immersive, gamified trai...
Climate justice to social justice, regenerative practices to degrowth, adaptation, and collapse. COELIblue is a co-creative action-oriented resource community.
Projects Development of a small scale electric power system to extract energy from water fluctuations in a large enclosed water basin Technical Proposal on Possible Control of a Forced Geostrophic Eddy Student MeetingsDonation Your help is needed to save the research ship Hakken 御礼 クリーンエネ...