Blender真实眼睛绑定动画教程 Udemy – Creating Realistic Eyes In Blender Rigged and Animated 从眼睛的基本解剖结构开始,您将学习如何制作角膜、虹膜和第二虹膜等关键元素。接下来,我们将深入研究 UV 展开和高级纹理技术,为您的模型增加深度和真实感。打好基础后,您将发现如何使用灯光、材质和 HDRI 设置来增强场景,...
Cheetah3D for Mac激活版是一款非常不错的3D建模渲染工具。提供了强大的多边形建模工具,支持UV编辑、Javascript脚本、Animation等,可以导入导出fbx、stl、3ds、obj 等格式的3D文件,还提供了许多有用的功能强大的多边形建模,编辑在先进的细分和HDRI渲染光能辐射。操作简单,功能强大实用,帮助你创建各种3D模型。
Blender accepts graphic formats such as TGA, JPG, IRIS, HDRI, or TIFF. It can also read Inventor files. Integrated 3D game engine with a logic brick system. For more control, Python programming is used. It includes Inverse Kinematics, Grid Strains, Load Vertices, and Static and Dynamic Part...
HDRI (image-based) Area lamps, and tips on how to position them. 59 – 61. Rendering This is the final stage in the 3d process: making a finished image. In this section we look at how to control the resolution and fidelity of the final output, compare the Eevee and Cycles render eng...
In this example, the spaceship illumination is automatically prepared, as the HDRI image contains a bright sun, as well as a soft blue light beneath (representing the light reflected from the planet). Capturing HDRI images is a tedious process. First, a camera will be positio...
The FLIP Fluids addon is a tool that helps you set up, run, and render liquid simulation effects. Our custom built fluid engine is based around the popular FLIP simulation technique that is also found in other professional tools such as Houdini, Phoenix FD, Bifrost, and Mantaflow. The FLIP...
The “Select” button (previously the only option on this tab for models) is now in the dropdown quick menu next to each asset This tab now also loads correctly for unlimited plan users Fixes: Fixed issue where sometimes the addon would load the second instead of first texture map variant...
HDRI Sun Aligner : HDRI Sun Aligner is a Blender 2.8 addon for automatically rotating an object (e.g. a sun) to match the brightest point in a HDRI environment texture. LeoMoon LightStudio : Lighting system for Blender. [market] Physical Starlight and Atmosphere [$] : is a full environm...
The asset Management addon is a handy tool that will save you time in mostly any project. It introduces a new panel that lets you create a custom library of the materials, scenes, HDRI’s, other assets you create. These can be shared across your Blender projects too. ...
All this really means for you is that you can have one setup with scene lights and world HDRI and one without in Eevee. You can now un-check those options in the rendered view to do look-dev-y type stuff while using Cycles.