“A lot of them were black fans, and they they couldn’t understand why I had such a problematic anti-black opinion.” “I’m, like, ‘My audience just turned on me for a very reasonable question.’ And I also didn’t like how if anyone opposed Ariel being turned black, you were...
Mitting admitted that “no harm whatever had been done by that line of questioning”, and that his doubts about its usefulness were just a “matter of opinion” between him and Menon. MENON & THE FIRST SPYCOP RELATIONSHIP Menon then addressed his questioning of Joan Hillier. The issue of o...
“Four or five years ago when the Black Lives Matter protests first went viral, Pepsi decided to jump in the game,” saidMike Utaegbulam, Founder ofBlack Creative Groupin Washington D.C. “It showed an ad featuringKendall (Jenner) ending the protests with a can of Pepsi. It was so to...
time to commit to equity and justice for all. And I pray that we all learn to engage our minds and nourish our hearts so that the color of someone’s skin doesn’t make them a suspect and a defenseless target. In short, there must be a universal recognit...
In 2014, Black Lives Matter rose to national prominence by protesting the police shooting of an unarmed Black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri. However, many conservative commentators questioned why Black Lives Matter was not attempting to prevent “Black-on-Black crime.” ...
Black Lives Matterendorsementspublic opinionpartisanshippolarizationWhat factors shape public opinion about government solutions to address police violence? We address this question by conducting a survey in which respondents express their opinions about actual proposals to reform police ...
“I no longer have the same respect and trust in my employers because of the negative way I was treated when I was exposed to COVID at my job and when I fell ill,” suggesting her experience with COVID-19 at her organization has altered her overall opinion of the company for the ...
When the Hypocritical Hashtag – #BlackLivesMatter – brought their“peaceful protests”to Atlanta, Bottoms said many “motherly” things, but did nothing to quell the violence. And when her understaffed police force acted aggressively to control what she had called chaos, instead of supporting the...
at least in my opinion, much more forgettable – background noise — with the exception, perhaps, of the Courrèges In Blue, which I personally think is something of an undersung classic. There was a cool, greedy poise on the breeze in the eighties : and this complex, yet unruffled, chic...
but not always empathy, with black Americans. I shared with them the letter and told them of its origins and about the hashtag#BlackLivesMatter, which preceded it. My mother’s response initially led me to worry that it hadn’t had an impact. “Why say ‘Black Lives Matter’?