A Christian singer who faced backlash for a performance at a 2020 tour to protest the impact of COVID shutdowns on churches sang “America the Beautiful” during the pre-show. An already-teased Super Bowl ad for a fast food chain featured a scantily clad TikTok influencer, marking the retu...
Mark’s Churches of Wilson, North Carolina, 1856-1995, I found this: “… [Rev. John Henry Mingo] Pollard was in charge for two years, then was succeeded by Basil B. Tyler who stayed two years. “Tyler had been admitted as a candidate for holy orders in Washington, D.C. He then ...
The Black Church: Cultural Flaws and Educational Solutions Thirdly, Seabury consultants evinced a fairly low opinion regarding the spiritual state of both the untrained ministers and the lay people who comprised the congregations of many of the nation's black churches. In this vein, they typified...
"The churches were strengthened in their faith" (Acts 16:5). Our common faith -- the faith shared between Bethel Hill Baptist Church and Union Chapel Baptist Church and Tabernacle Baptist Church and the churches in Burji and Alaba -- has created a dimension of love that draws us together. ...
According to the book Operation World (p. 552), the great need in Ukraine today is for "good, spiritual, theological training... Virtually no pastors in evangelical churches have had any training at all; preaching quality amply demonstrates the lack." I am very excited to be going with th...