Create a branch where you can add future plans for the space station that you aren't ready to commit. When you are ready to make those plans known to all, you can merge the changes into your Bitbucket repository and then delete the no-longer-needed branch. It's important to understand ...
When I hg pull my repo it can take 20-30 minutes even if not much has changed. My .hg folder is about 200MB. Can anyone help me troubleshootin... 2,837 views 3 1 Jerry Shea April 22, 2013 Question bitbucket-cloud cloud "Reject Force Push" hook for master branch only I ...
$ git status On branch main Your branch is behind'origin/main'by 6 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use"git pull"to update yourlocalbranch) Changes not stagedforcommit: (use"git add <file>..."to update what will be committed) (use"git checkout -- <file>..."to discard changes...