N/EST gel is the latest in an ongoing quest for an effective male birth control, being tested by couples across the globe. Here's the latest on how it's going.
The meaning of BIRTH CONTROL is deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation (as by use of birth control pills, IUDs, condoms, coitus interruptus, vasectomy, or tubal ligation) : contraception —sometimes hyphenated before a noun. How to use birth
The day after the sex, the gyno advised her to double her dosage with the birth control, meaning she took 2 pills in one day. I guess an alternative to the morning after? Anyway, is there a good chance that she could still be pregnant, or are we in good shape? Please help, and...
an ef- but newly organ~zedhosp~talcltn~csare soon runnmg fectwe way to do thls 1s by a n a t ~ o nw ~ d eextension of to capaclty and forced to Increase the number of ses b ~ r t hcontrol c l ~ n ~ c s SlOnS Any group w~shmgto start a blrth control clln~nceeds ...
Since sex education can be sorely lacking, it's high time a thorough primer on the three major types of birth control exists. Here's what you need to know about the pill, IUDs, and emergency contraception.
( C w d g b t , 19S-7, Aawrican Birth Control Lsagw, Iao ) No 1 CONTENTS TEN GOOD REASONS-I WOMAN'S RIGHT PAOE 3 EDITORIAG4'Needlest Cases"-Femmsm and B I M Control-An Elderly Wodd-Newspaper Headlines 6 T H E MOTHERS" by Xary Awtrn A Crltlcism of Brlffault 7 ...
The birth control pill and shot are two effective ways to prevent pregnancy. Read on to learn about what they have in common, how they differ, and how you can switch from one method to the other.
With a medical abortion, you take a pill that makes your uterus contract and shed its lining and the embryo. Emergency Contraception Emergency contraception is a type of birth control, not an abortion. “It disrupts ovulation or stops fertilization of the already released egg. It does not ...
Discover why you might be bleeding on birth control methods like the pill. Find out what withdrawal bleeding is and how it impacts your cycle.
birth control for the first time or that haven’t been on birth control for a while. I’ve heard coming off birth control is a process (even if switching to another form), and it seems like Mili is being prescribed in an emergency situation since there is a shortage of Sprintec, which...