About 13 percent of bird species, including most seabirds, nest in colonies. Colonial nesting evolves in response to a combination of two environmental conditions: (1) a shortage of nesting sites that are safe from predators and (2) abundant or unpredictable food that is distant from safe nest...
D. Birds nesting in colonies that are vulnerable to predators tend to prefer more densely packed nests to those less densely packed. 你的答案: 正确答案:B 题目解析: 登录 后才能查看题目解析,还没有账号? 马上注册 推荐文章: 【托福阅读】Official 51-P2 金星和地球表面的流体 【托福阅读】Official...
About 13 percent of bird species, including most seabirds, nest in colonies. Colonial nesting evolves in response to a combination of two environmental conditions: (1) a shortage of nesting sites that are safe from predators and (2) abundant or unpredictable food that is distant from safe nest...
托福Z托福 99 - Bird Colonies 题目 收藏 9.The word “exhaust” in the passage is closest in meaning to A.use up B.leave C.avoid D.hide 阅读原文中文译文 About 13 percent of bird species, including most seabirds, nest in colonies. Colonial nesting evolves in response to a combination of ...
First and foremost, individual birds are safer in colonies that are inaccessible to predators, as on small rocky islands. In addition, colonial birds detect predators more quickly than do small groups or pairs and can drive the predators from the vicinity of the nesting area. Because nests at ...
阅读原文中文译文 About 13 percent of bird species, including most seabirds, nest in colonies. Colonial nesting evolves in response to a combination of two environmental conditions: (1) a shortage of nesting sites that are safe from predators and (2) abundant or unpredictable food that is distant...
托福Z托福 99 - Bird Colonies 题目 收藏 10.The phrase “On balance” in the passage is closest in meaning to A.Nevertheless B.Overall C.Therefore D.Periodically 阅读原文中文译文 About 13 percent of bird species, including most seabirds, nest in colonies. Colonial nesting evolves in response to...
阅读原文中文译文 About 13 percent of bird species, including most seabirds, nest in colonies. Colonial nesting evolves in response to a combination of two environmental conditions: (1) a shortage of nesting sites that are safe from predators and (2) abundant or unpredictable food that is distant...
同时也讲述了birds colonies的优缺点。优点是可以很好的预防天敌攻击,并且如果遇到天敌可以联合起来击退天敌,并给出了yellow - rumped birds以及cliff swallow的例子。提及了适合居住的地方,一般是食物比较充足的地方,还有个别物种适宜cold water区域。缺点是面临着巨大的竞争,群居的话鸟类会争伴侣,争巢穴,甚至偷筑巢用的...
新托福阅读题目回忆版本一:birds colonies 这篇文章讲的是birds colonies,先讲了它为什么会形成,然后说了birds colonies的优缺点。优点是可以防天敌,也能通过跟着其他鸟来找食物,举了yellow-rumped birds和cliff swallow的例子。然后说了适合居住的地方,一般是食物比较充足的地方,或者是个别物种适应的cold water区域。但...