遭遇预印本,杂志引用次数减少 把“bioRxiv”这个词敲进谷歌搜索框,最先跳出来的自动填充搜索建议是“biorxiv影响因子(biorxiv impact factor)”,排名第三的是“biorxiv杂志(biorxiv journal)”。然而,需要澄清的是,bioRxiv根本不是什么杂志,而是一个预印本服务网站。它从未被Web of Science编入索引,更重要的是,...
传统期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)由期刊引用报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)计算得出,反映的是该期刊在过去两年发表的论文在被引次数上的平均值。它被广泛应用于评价期刊的学术声誉和影响力,并常常被用来评估研究人员的科研水平。 然而,BioRxiv作为预印本服务器,并没有经过同行评审过程,其文章也不被计入传...
bioRXivJournal Impact FactorThis study investigated papers posted on bioRXiv. In 2013鈥 19, 17,818 papers were published in academic journals, accounting for 40.67% of the total publication. Among them, the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection recorded journals of 16,525 published papers, ...
ISI每年出版JCR期刊引用报告 (Journal Citation Reports)。 JCR对8000多种期刊(网络版) 之间的引用和被引用数据进行统计、运算,并针对每种期刊定义了影响因子 (IF:impact factor)等指数加以报道。这些期刊包括SCI收录的3800种核心期刊(光盘版)。 影响因子 IF = (某刊前2年发表论文在该年的被引用次数) / (该刊...
影响因子(Impact factor, IF)是美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information,ISI)的期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)中的一项数据。它的计算公式也很简单,是用某期刊前两年发表的论文在统计当年的被引用总次数除以... 分享回复赞 王者荣耀吧 凯库的蛮牛 比“论文写好了吗”更残忍的问题:...
In total, 42% of preprints were eventually published in a journal. The journals that have published the most studies that were first posted as preprints, at more than 700 each, areScientific Reports,eLifeandPLoS ONE(see ‘The impact factor’). ...
journal article Open Access Collection Informational Complexity as a Neural Marker of Cognitive Reserve 2025bioRxiv doi:10.1101/2025.02.13.638084 In Alzheimer9s disease (AD), a mismatch between neurological damage and cognitive functioning often is attributed to individual differences in cognitive reserve...
[论文摘要] Although the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is widely acknowledged to be a poor indicator of the quality of individual papers, it is used routinely to evaluate research and researchers. Here, we present a simple method for generating the citation distributions that underlie JIFs. Applicati...
若你正有此意,请在主页面单击图10中的transfer,然后选择你心仪的journal,从而跳过从杂志的投稿系统投稿的繁琐过程(可能涉及版权问题,小编不很清楚)。 图10 图11 好了,了解了biorxiv的投稿流程,让我们看看上个月小编为大家选出了哪些值得一看的生信领域preprint。【质检】瑞士苏黎世大学(University of Zurich)Mark ...
把“bioRxiv”这个词敲进谷歌搜索框,最先跳出来的自动填充搜索建议是“biorxiv影响因子(biorxiv impact factor)”,排名第三的是“biorxiv杂志(biorxiv journal)”。然而,需要澄清的是,bioRxiv根本不是什么杂志,而是一个预印本服务网站。它从未被Web of Science编入索引,更重要的是,也从未收到过一个影响因子。即...