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Emily was amazing! This was my first time ever with a tutor and she made me feel very comfortable and at ease with the material. She took the time for me to go back to my lecture notes from class (to make sure that everything she ...- Stacy-Anne ...
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A study focused on the colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in several countries of the Arabian Peninsula, more specifically, studying the presence of the mcr-1 gene in this class. Four E. coli isolates were MDROs had an mcr-1-positive strain. The E. coli strains such as ST648, ST224, ...
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5. Why are living organisms Classified Class 11 notes? The diversity in living organisms is very vast. There are millions of living organisms that exist on the planet and it is difficult to study them as single objects. Classification of organisms into different groups and subgroups makes it mu...
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Salt bladders, specialized structures on the surface of quinoa leaves, secrete Na+ to mitigate the effects of the plant from abiotic stresses, particularly
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