Civity is a leading company in Biodiversity Net Gain and is authorised to sell BNG Units. Contact us for more conversation about Biodiversity Net Gain.
It has been twice delayed, but biodiversity net gain (BNG) finally becomes mandatory for major developments from 12 February 2024 and will then be applied to small sites from 2 April 2024. (A small site isdefined hereamong other things, as a residential development where the numb...
Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) will apply to large developments granted planning permission from November 2023. Following the publication in February this year of its response to a major public consultation on the nuts-and-bolts of BNG, the government has published two guidance notes, aimed...
The government is to introduce a requirement for development to deliver biodiversity net gain. Here is an overview for local authorities, landowners...
Guidance: Understanding biodiversity net gain. Crown, London, United Kingdom. Retrieved from: Department of Sustainability Environment Water Population and Communities. (2012). Environment Protection and Biodiversity ...
Through a more systematic review of these OECMs in delivering or supporting biodiversity benefits, an ambitious and coherent plan for environmental net gain for ecology, economy and society across the seascape becomes a more realistic possibility. Outside of MPAs, fisheries management represents the ...
legal form. Building on an earlier publication [37], this article shortly summarizes and updates the relevant legal areas of European agricultural and environmental law for P use. In particular, the status quo section draws attention to the deficits of the existing legal framework, which is ...
The definition of the 2008 Final Rule greatly reinforced the legal liabilities connected with BO by defining a specific framework, improving the control and monitoring of offsets, and providing precise rules (e.g., definition of a standardized method to assess ecological equivalence, requirement for...
Biodiversity offsets aim to compensate the negative residual impacts of development projects on biodiversity, including ecosystem functions, uses by people and cultural values. Conceptually, ecosystem services (ES) should be considered, but in practice t
Start-ups such as GainForest and Panchama make use of AI technology to solve such complex tasks. GainForest uses large amounts of unlabeled satellite imagery, a video prediction model, game theory, and machine-learning-based Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) processes to monitor and...