{BingMapsKey} POST Headerurl 複製 Content-Length: insertLengthOfHTTPBody Content-Type: application/json POST bodyJSON 複製 { "waypoints": [{ "address": string, "latitude": number, "longitude": number, "isViaPoint": bool }, ...
(i)"Drive Analytics"means the information about a vehicle's movement derived from an Application's use of the Bing Maps Snap to Road API, which may include latitude/longitude coordinates, road names and posted speed limits (car or truck). ...{BingMapsKey} API ParametersThere are two basic parameters for the Optimize Itinerary API:itineraryAgents: a list of agent shift information which includes the name, shift times, shift starting and ending locations for agent, ...{BingMapsKey} This will return a response that contains an Image URL property. This URL will look something like this: url http://ak.dynamic.{subdomain}{BingMapsKey}The Bing Maps geocoder will attempt to find the closest match as possible to your query. In some cases, it will not be able to find an exact match. This is where the match code parameter of the returned result...
(i)"Drive Analytics"means the information about a vehicle's movement derived from an Application's use of the Bing Maps Snap to Road API, which may include latitude/longitude coordinates, road names and posted speed limits (car or truck). ...
When you use anyBing Maps APIwith a Bing Maps Key (you must have aBing Maps Account), transactions are recorded. Transactions track API usage and can be billable or non-billable. For example, using theBing Maps V8 Web Controlto show a map on a web page or geocoding an address using ...
As I remember, Google Directions API allows 2,500 directions requests per 24 hour period from a single IP address per free user. Does anyone know the limits for Bing Maps and the Routes Rest API ( for free users? I tried to look...{pushpin_1}&pushpin={pushpin_2}&pushpin={pushpin_n}&mapLayer={mapLayer}&format={format}&mapMetadata={mapMetadata}&key={BingMapsKey} Get a map that is centered at the specified point and that displays a routeYou can di...
API Key securestring API Key True Throttling Limits 展開資料表 NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 1200 60 seconds Actions 展開資料表 Get location by address Get the location information associated with an address. If no location is found, an empty result will be returned. Get ...