在MainPage.xaml.cs中的 MainPage 类中设定 BingMapsToke 的值,BingMapsToken的值即是在第一步骤中获取的 Bing Maps的密钥。代码如下: File: MainPage.xaml.cs private String BingMapsToken = "BingMapsToken by Bing Maps dev center "; 显示3D地图和设定地图中心 在MainPage.xmal.cs代码文件的顶部手动添加...
Bing Maps 3D free download. Get the latest version now. Another step closer to knowing "what it is like out there".
is a powerful, free Windows software, belonging to the categoryScience & education softwarewith subcategory Geography and has been published by Microsoft. More about Bing! Maps 3D Since we added this program to our catalog in 2011, it has already reached 905,432 downloads, and last week it ...
报告Presto Map Lead Extractor: Google Maps Scraper / Bing Maps Scraper 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴...
For more information, please see the Windows UWP Map Control documentation. Bing Maps Key You must obtain a Bing Maps Key from Bing Maps Dev Center in order to use the Bing Maps SDK for Android and iOS. Your app must be authenticated to use the map controls and map services. To ...
日前 Microsoft 宣佈他们已经为 Bing Maps 裡面超过一百个城市加入了 3D 地图或街景图,或两款图资一起加入。当中当然不乏大家熟悉的美国景点,包括旧金山的金门大桥和芝加哥剧院大街等。另外如果大家有 Windows 8.1 专用的 Bing Maps Preview app 的话,更可以观看到更多城市的 3D 地图。如果大家想了解更多这次更新的...
As you may be aware, the website changed names to Bing Maps: https://www.bing.com/maps/. The 3D view on the site is now called "Bing Maps 3D". As a developer it doesn't change much for you, and in terms of the engine/SDK it's still valid to refer to it as "Virtual Earth...
The process for downloading the control is as follows, but may vary depending on your security settings:Click on the 3D link in the navigation control Verify that your system meets the performance requirements, and then click Install on the “Install Bing Maps 3D (Beta)” popup window. ...