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Learn more Bing Entity Search Enrich your experiences by identifying and augmenting entity information from the web. Learn more Bing Video Search Add advanced video search features to your app. Learn more Bing Local Business Search Retrieve local business search results for a place of interestLe...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/localbusinesses/search 要求必須使用 HTTPS 通訊協定。 備註 URL 長度上限是 2,048 個字元。 若要確保您的 URL 長度不超過限制,查詢參數的最大長度應小於 1,500 個字元。 如果 URL 超過 2,048 個字元,則伺服器會傳回「404 找不到」。 標...
Bing Entity Search brings rich context about people, places, things, and local businesses to your apps, blog, or website for a more engaging user experience. It will identify the most relevant entity based on your searched term and provide primary details about those entities. Local business in...
Bing Entity Search brings rich context about people, places, things, and local businesses to your apps, blog, or website for a more engaging user experience. It will identify the most relevant entity based on your searched term and provide primary details about those entities. Local business in...
To request local business results, send a GET request to:Copy https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/localbusinesses/search The request must use the HTTPS protocol.Note The maximum URL length is 2,048 characters. To ensure that your URL length does not exceed the limit, the maximu...
Bing 當地商家搜尋 API 是一套 RESTful 服務,可讓您的應用程式依搜尋查詢項目,尋找當地商家資訊。 例如,q=<business-name> in Redmond, Washington 或q=Italian restaurants near me。特性展開表格 功能描述 尋找當地商家和位置 Bing 當地商家搜尋 API 會從查詢中取得本地化的結果。 結果包括商家網站的 URL 和...
我认为你需要进入Azure门户网站。在Cognitive Services下,使用Bing Search v7在空闲层下创建一个新服务。
Tue,16Oct201816:25:15GMT {"_type":"SearchResponse","queryContext": {"originalQuery":"restaurant Bellevue"},"places": {"totalEstimatedMatches":50,"value": [{"_type":"LocalBusiness","id":"https:\/\/cognitivegblppe.azure-api.net\/api\/v7\/#Places.0","name":"Facing East...