Rust My collection of dot-files (vim, bash shell and other system-related, not sensitive configuration files) vimdotfilesbashtmuxipythonsystemdtorxinitrcgnuplotxbindkeys UpdatedJul 18, 2023 Vim Script AdamWellsBelialFuneral/my-screenshot-shortcuts ...
let result = utils::run_command("/data/adb/ap/bin/magiskmount", &args, None)?.wait()?; m_mount::magic_mount()?; Ok(()) } @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ pub fn on_post_data_fs(superkey: Option<String>) -> Result<()> { .expect("Failed to set permissions"); } let mut command...
- Main focus will be on 2x development. - Integrating existing services with - Heavy use of AI under precise team guidance. Essential Skills: - Exceptional written English. - Proficient in using VirtualBox,Debian, and Visual Code. - Experience with database integration. Thank you...
self.textbox.bind("<1>",lambdaevent: self.textbox.focus_set()) self.textbox.pack(expand=True, fill='both') 开发者ID:cachitas,项目名称:meeplan,代码行数:12,代码来源 示例3: __init__ ▲点赞 3▼ # 需要导入模块: from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText [as 别名]# ...
The rows of plates were red with rust and encrusted by shells. When the smooth undulations sank, long weed swung about in the sandy water. Lister thought the story of the wreck was, on the surface, plain. Steaming out with a heavy load, _Arcturus_ had struck the bar. The surf had ...
01.设置工作屏幕 确保你没有浪费任何屏幕空间 一个非常基本但重要的事情是设置工作屏幕, +17 分享回复2 csgo吧 关卍羽 大佬们求救啊想搞个动态的名字结果不行试了好几次了总是出现 bind <key> [command] : attach a command to a key 我打的代码是 bind w "+forward;cl_clanid 38101381"; bind a "+...
He sat down on the little box-seat, with his back against the door. The platform had not the new guards the company was then fitting; there was an opening in the rails, and one could go down the steps when the train was running. The moonlight touched the back of the car in front...
Rust环境搭建 安装rsbind。cargo install --git --force -- rsbind 创建rust项目,并在项目的src目录下建立两个module,分别是contract和imp,contract用于存放Android/iOS调用的接口,而imp则是接口的实现。并需要在根目录lib.rs下将两个module开放出来。具体可以参考demo。
2024-11-30T11:32:10.386373843+01:00 [ERROR] failed to run rust-analyzer after detecting it in PATH: binary: "/run/current-system/sw/bin/rust-analyzer": exit status: 1, stdout: "", stderr: "error: Unknown binary 'rust-analyzer' in official toolchain 'stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'...