Rev. Franklin Graham, son of Rev. Billy Graham and the CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, joined 'Sunday Night in America' to discuss the unveiling of his father's statue in the U.S. Capitol. Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the late Rev. Billy Graham...
Family at war over where to bury Billy Graham ; WORLDWhen Billy Graham is dead, historians will argue about the influence of America's most famous evangelist. Yet while he is still alive, his family are arguing about where to bury him.Buncombe, Andrew...
Nathan Lee Graham’s character is described as refined and dignified, so I guess he’s Dr. Smith – damn, there I go channel surfing again! Those of you holding your breath for a Facts of Life reunion are probably out of luck. According to sources, the cast got thisclose to getting ...
described one Scottish minister who made this observation about Graham: "My first impression of the man at close quarters was not of his good looks but of his goodness; not of his extraordinary range of commitments, but of his own 'committedness' to his Lord and Master. To...
内容概要:TheRev.BillyGrahamisareligiousleaderwithaworldwidereach.Inhislongcareer asanevangelist,hehasspokentomillionsandbeenanadvisortoUSpresidents. 此次演讲发表于1998年的TED大会,在演讲中葛理翰牧师对科技进步给人们生活和整个世界所带来的改变 感到惊叹,但同时他又指出只有全世界都接受基督,才能从邪恶、苦难、死亡...
内容概要:TheRev.BillyGrahamisareligiousleaderwithaworldwidereach.Inhislongcareer asanevangelist,hehasspokentomillionsandbeenanadvisortoUSpresidents. 此次演讲发表于1998年的TED大会,在演讲中葛理翰牧师对科技进步给人们生活和整个世界所带来的改变 感到惊叹,但同时他又指出只有全世界都接受基督,才能从邪恶、苦难、死亡...