Bile duct cancerTumor resectionPalliative therapyThe therapy of bile duct cancer is in some cases under controversial discussion. A retrospective comparison between patients who unterwent surgery or endoscopic treatment is difficult because of patient selection. It seems that there is no difference in ...
Department of SurgeryJournal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic SurgeryTodoroki T. Radiotherapy as a component of multidiscipli- nary treatment of bile duct cancer: a surgeon's perspective. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2001;8:130-136.Todoroki T. Radiotherapy as a component of multidisciplinary treatment ...
When cancer is more advanced, surgery cannot totally remove the tumor. Surgical procedures can help cancer patients feel better, even if they cannot provide a cure. Surgery can reroute the bile duct to allow better drainage. Radiation treatments can help to shrink, but not cure, a bile duct ...
Cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer is a rare cancer that forms inside the bile duct, a thin tube that takes your digestive fluid or bile from your liver to your small intestine via the gallbladder; it seems to result from pathogens. What is bile? Bile is important in aiding digestion. ...
Choledochotomy is indicated for removal of biliary stones wedged in the common bile duct or for the repair of a ruptured common bile duct. Since the common bile duct is distended, a choledochotomy is possible. The chapter covers tips and tricks for a successful surgery and potential ...
A total of 38 patients with middle and distal thirds bile duct cancer treated in our department during a period of 20 years were reviewed and analyzed in respect to the type of operative procedures employed and the long-term results. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of ...
"We believe it does," said Darjus Tschaharganeh from the DKFZ, "because we found very high levels of both TNF and the activated form of JNK directly in the tumor tissue in samples that were obtained from patients during surgery for bile ductcancer." ...
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare progressive liver disease that damages bile ducts and significantly increases the risk of bile duct cancer, particularly a type called cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). This cancer is aggressive, and curative surgery is uncommon. Liver transplantation is a potenti...
6) Bile duct neoplasms/surgery 胆管肿瘤/外科学 补充资料:肝外胆管良性肿瘤 肝外胆管良性肿瘤 发生在肝外胆管的良性肿瘤。十分罕见。主要为乳头状瘤,其次是腺瘤与纤维瘤,少数为脂肪瘤、神经纤维瘤等。常单发、带蒂、可恶变。临床上常出现梗阻性黄疸、胆绞痛、消化不良、消瘦、胆道出血等症状。可行手术治疗。
Department of Pediatric SurgeryJournal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic SurgeryWatanabe Y, Toki A, Todani T. Bile duct cancer developed after cyst excision for choledochal cyst. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg.1999; 6(3):207-212. PubMed | Google ScholarWatanabe Y, Toki A, Todani T. Bile duct ...