towards earth, on which the legend on the medal is obscure and without meaning; and an obverse side, bright with the light of heaven; union with the Eternal through sacramental grace is its impress of truth, and flowing from that grace a loving exercise of the great duties of Christian ...
It’s not just a modern-day Jewish thing, though, as I mentioned. The meaning I’m promoting here is exactly what we see in the New Testament when the Aramaic word is transliterated into Greek asAbba. It is used only three times in the New Testament—Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, and ...
their integrity, the Son must continue to exist in his divinity, even apart from his human nature. The Lutherans lampooned this view, labeling it Calvin’sextra, meaning, “outside of”–as if Christ’s divinity was sort of spilling out of him in a spatial sense (for more on theextra,...
We ask at this stage of the subject, what was the meaning of pagan offerings? As they understood their religious rites, the unbloody were expressions of gratitude and acknowledgment for protection. Whatever the form of offering was, the god was conceived of as being pleased with them. How ...
The elementary school here was also the one time in my life that I’ve ever said the n-word. During a 4th grade discussion of a book we’d read for class which took place in the rural south shortly after the Civil War, I wanted to know the meaning of the one word I hadn’t und...
“Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; ...
when the advocates of instrumental music betake themselves to the original text of Scripture, and profess to find an unanswerable argument for the organ in the meaning of this and that Hebrew and Greek word, it becomes absolutely necessary to follow them there, and to shew that their philologica...
–Interpretation:Emphasis on grammatical-historical exegesis, focusing on the original meaning of texts based on their historical and literary contexts². –Role of Preaching and Sacraments:Preaching and sacraments are viewed as means of grace, grounded in Scriptural commands and ordinances, administered...
The Hebrew for vinegar is chometz meaning sour. This is almost the same as the word chametz which is probably derived from a similar meaning. Vinegar is made by fermenting an alcoholic substance, such as wine, a second time with acetic acid bacteria to convert ethanol into acetic acid. ...
Eucharist:From the Greek word meaning tothank, a sacrament of the New Law in which, under the appearances of bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Christ are truly, really and substantially present, as the grace-producing food of the soul. The ...