“Faith is salted and peppered through everything at Christmas. And I love at least one night by the Christmas tree to sing and feel the quiet holiness of that time that’s set apart to celebrate love, friendship, and God’s gift of the Christ child.”– Amy Grant ...
God’s presence in the work of Jesus makes Peter recognize his authority. This vocative is common in Luke (20 times), but does not yet have its full confessional force. Luke 5:8 sn Peter was intimidated that someone who was obviously working with divine backing was in his presence (“Go...
The number one way to defeat sin and temptation is with the Word of God. It's how Jesus overcame Satan's temptations in the desert. Find verses that strengthen you in this area, memorize them, and when you are tempted, speak them over the moment. 3. Talk to Someone A key component ...
The Bible says all men are without excuse. Even those who are given no good reason to believe and many persuasive reasons to disbelieve have no excuse, because the ultimate reason they do not believe is that they have deliberately rejected God's Holy Spirit. —William Lane Craig 36 The Bib...