The name Abba Father is the word for God in the Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:2) The epithet is strikingly frequent in John (108 times) and also in Matthew (forty times). The range of meanings includes those of authority and discipline, but also those of compassion, care, protection, and pr...
A must have, both unique and stylish is our Men’s Boxing Glove Necklace engraved with Philippians 4:15; “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me”. Power, strength, grit and discipline are a few of the outstanding qualities needed in the life of a sports and fitness ...
473). About verses 7–11 of the same sūra, Reynolds believes that the Qur’an is developing Luke 1 while indicating few differences such as it has God speak directly to Zechariah (unlike Luke, where it is the angel Gabriel, and unlike 3: 39, where it is instead “angels”). He ...