After David’s magnificent and very public victory over Goliath, Saul sent him on many missions for the kingdom. David returned triumphant in all of them, growing in strength, faith, and popularity. He became a celebrated public figure. The people compared Saul’s prowess with David’s and ...
Memorizing Scripture is key to an abiding life with Christ. Move the Word of God from the screen deep into your heart using Dwell’s Repeat and Reflect feature. Build a Habit Growth in Christ does not happen by accident. This way of life must be intentionally cultivated daily. Use any of...
Lifeguide Bible Studies Series: David: Developing a Heart for GodJack Kuhatscheck
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
s Word. Have the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and anywhere you go. Holy Bible -The Book of Jasher App contains the Old Testament and New Testament, providing an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your loved ones. Carry Holy ...
Similar to al-Zamakhsharī, al-Rāzī also understood “waḥy” as an inspiration that is sent to a person’s heart or a vision. Al-Rāzī (2000, p. 27: 612) reported that some Muslim theologians, such as the Ḥanbalīs, believe that God uses the same kind of speech that ...
In our first study, we’ll learn Hosea’s tragic story is a model of God’s broken heart for the nation of Israel. Hosea speaks from first-hand experience, to warn the people they are breaking God’s heart … just as surely as his own family’s circumstances have broken his...see...
or an ostrich fly up to the stars. Jesus' College is the only one in which God's truth can be really learned; other schools may teach us what is to be believed, but Christ's alone can show us how to believe it. Let us sit at the feet of Jesus, and by earnest prayer call in...
Saul had been the one that the Lord chose to rule as king. The problem with Saul was that he didn't listen to the Lord and disobeyed his orders. God then decided that David would be the New King. His word was sealed in heaven and David ruled and became king. ...
For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart and knows everything. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, then we have confidence