在哥林多前书1章22节中,当保罗提到犹太人求神迹时,他的话并没有称赞的意思! v.神迹不足以作为证据,证明启示的真实性。不信的人总有办法来歪解神迹,否认其效力,而且不信的人总是会求更多的神迹,来“证明”。他虽然在他们面前行了许多神迹,他们还是不信他(约12:37)。 vi.我们同意神迹的目的在于,靠着神的...
Thru the Bible Commentary: John (Chapters 1-10)J. Vernon McGee
• “我可以向你保证,任何有名望的希腊学者都不赞同耶和华见证人对约翰福音1:1的解释。(F.F.布鲁斯博士) • “耶和华见证会的信徒在约翰福音1:1的误译中,证明了他们对希腊语法基本原则的极度无知。(保罗· 考夫曼博士) • “这个教派故意歪曲事实的行为可以从他们的新约译本中看到。约翰福音1:1被翻译成:...
Bible > Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary > John 1◄ John 1 ►Go Ad Free Log In
John 1:11 Or receive John 1:12 Or all who received John 1:12 Or trust in John 1:13 Or fathered John 1:13 Lit bloods John 1:15 Lit before me John 1:16 Lit we all received John 1:16 Lit grace for grace John 1:17 Lit came to be John 1:18 Lit chest; or possibly lap John...
Expecting the Unexpected (John 7:27) January 17, 2025 - 6 min Today’s Bible Verse: "But we know where this man is from; when the Messiah comes, no one will know where he is from." - John 7:27 🎙 🎉 SUBSCRIBE to our NEW SHOW - YOUR NIGHTLY PRAYER:https://www.life...
What does John 21:10 mean? Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God's Word using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible.
Below is commentary from United States Senate Chaplain Barry Black, who is featured in the video portion of the Share the Dream Bible Study. I am excited about the Share the Dream Bible Study and how it will help individuals benefit from the amazing gift of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cont...
1 Timothy 3:16 - God was manifest in the flesh traditional ending of Mark Pericope Adulterae Acts 8:37 - baptism testimony John 1:18 Luke 2:22 - her purification Matthew 28:19 authenticity Romans 9:5 2 Peter 1:1 Psalm 12 - thou shall keep them Threads 300 Messages 1....
i.约翰·莱尔(JohnRyle)在他于1890年首次出版的一本书中,描述了泰勒的死亡。泰勒在英国被处死,因为他相信教士可以结婚,圣餐的饼和酒并没有真正变成耶稣的身体和血。 ii. 1555年1月的最后一天,泰勒和另外两人一起站在温彻斯特的主教面前受审判,他们被指控是异端和分裂教会。他们由于拒绝改变自己的观点,结果被判处...