卞之琳的英文是什么 卞之琳用英语怎么说 卞之琳怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [biàn zhī lín] 卞之琳翻译:卞之琳的英文 Bian Zhilin,卞之琳也可以翻译为 Lloyd Haft 表示卞之琳。 卞之琳的意思 卞之琳的翻译 卞之琳的解释 卞之琳的发音 卞之琳的辞典例句用法 卞之琳的词组短语 卞之琳意思是什么 卞之琳怎么翻译 卞之琳的中文翻译 卞...
卞之琳诗选集 卞之琳(1910-2000),笔名季陵,汉族,祖籍江苏溧水,生于江苏海门汤家镇。近代诗人、学者。曾任北京大学西语系教授(1949-1952),中社科院文学所研究员(二级)享受终身制待遇;曾任国务院学位委员会第一、二届外国文学评议组成员;中国莎士比亚研究会副会长;历任中国作家协会理事,现任顾问;曾作客英国牛津(1947-1...
1.Poetic Wisdom of Bian Zhilin: Interpreting Voyage;淘气的诗人,智慧的诗——卞之琳《航海》一诗解读 2.On the Merits and Demerits of Bian Zhilin s Chinese Version of Hamlet s "To be,or not to be" Soliloquy;论卞之琳先生对“To be,or not to be”译文的“形似”与“神似” 3.Bian Zhilin s ...
Bian Zhilin Zusammenfassung Stammte nach eigenen Angaben aus kleinbürgerlichen Verhältnissen; nach dem Schulbesuch in Shanghai Studium der Anglistik und Romanistik an der Universität Peking (1929–1933), anschließend diverse Dozententätigkeiten; nach dem Studium in Oxford (1947–1949) ...
Here he produced fiction,reportage journalism, and “people’s poetry,” propaganda literature to stirthe masses to resist the invaders.Bian Zhilin(1910–2000) © McGill-Queen’s University Press From the book The Flowering of Modern Chinese Poetry Chapters in this book (61) Front Matter ...
Bian Zhilin (1910--) is a famous modern Chinese poet. For a long period of time up to the 1980s, his poetry, due to its artistic uniqueness and to the poet's alienation from politics, had not been widely recognized and appreciated. In the past two decades, more and more scholars and...
Early in 1936,the book "Modern Chinese Poetry" published in London,contained 14 poems of Bian Zhilin(Pien Chih lin) translated by the poet himself.Later,in different periods of history,Bian translated some other poems of himself into English and published them in various periodicals.In his own...
BianZhilin ; creativewriting ; choiceofliteraryform 一、引论 正如卞之琳晚年所追述,亦为研究者所探察, 1941 年前后卞之琳自觉诗歌写作的文体危机,并进 而向小说文体转变,创作了如今只剩残篇的长篇小 说《山山水水》。 研究者努力发掘《山山水水(小说片断)》的意 义,既有从政治意识与叙述主体关系入手探究小说 ...
卞之琳诗歌解读(Interpretation of Bian Zhilins Poetry).doc,卞之琳诗歌解读(Interpretation of Bian Zhilins Poetry) 2007.9 Journal of Nanjing Normal University School of Arts Sep., 2007 No. 3 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Norm