Discordis the place to also ask questions or discuss any other stuff related to CVAT. LinkedInfor the company and work-related questions. YouTubeto see screencast and tutorials about the CVAT. GitHub issuesfor feature requests or bug reports. If it's a bug, please add the steps to reproduce...
Console Repair Discord: https://discord.com/servers/console-repair-discord-754165317961383997 https://discord.gg/pXeUHMy Videos Featuring My Program: Website Featuring My Program: https://www.betterwayelectronics.com.au/ https://instagram.com/betterwayelectronics ...
go back to the server key creation for a more in-depth explanation. The only new piece here is the additionalPre-Shared Key (PSK). The PSK is optional, but adds significant security and is very easy to add. If you've been following the "lock" and "key" theme so far, this PSK is...
Telegram Theme By Shana:https://t.me/ShanaThemes Cancer Themes:https://t.me/cancerthemes VANILLA TELEGRAM THEMES:https://t.me/VanillaTG Telegram Stickers:https://t.me/TgSticker Telegram 新手频道:https://t.me/newbie_tele Telegram 文言翻譯之官方頻道:https://t.me/classical_chinese 電報群組廣...
Discord is the place to also ask questions or discuss any other stuff related to CVAT. LinkedIn for the company and work-related questions. YouTube to see screencast and tutorials about the CVAT. GitHub issues for feature requests or bug reports. If it's a bug, please add the steps to ...