There is an old saying that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. It may actually, in fact, be a purse instead. It’s one thing that nearly all women have to have with them at all times, even if there’s no chance she’s going to need anything that’s in it. Sometimes it is a...
My personal top pick of these five ladies holsters is going to be the Concealed Carry Universal Women’s Handbag Insert. This item makes carrying a concealed handgun in a purse an easy feat. The fact that it points the handgun downward and away from any possible “target” in front of or...
- Runtime: 207 minutes Akira Kurosawa's timeless tale of a small village under attack and the seven men hired to protect it haspaved the way for a slew of adaptations. Meanwhile, the original is a black and white masterpiece unto itself. ...
Portable Large Capacity: The Bonsaii Handgun Safe Offers A Generous Storage Capacity, Accommodating 2 Handguns As Well As Valuable Items Like Jewelry, Passports, Cash, And More. Its Lightweight And Portable Design Renders It Be Used As Nightstand Gun Safe, Bedsight Gun Safe, Car Gun Safe, Et...
Women also have the unique ability to be able to carry a concealed firearm in places that men usually do not, and some of the items in today’s top five are for just such an occasion. While some women don’t mind getting geared up in camouflage, jeans and boots, some of the more ...